The Age Of The Astropreneur Is Here 13 Feb 2018 As space becomes increasingly democratised, even small companies in small countries can get in on the game, says Dr Bidushi Bhattacharya,... SMU to offer undergrads campus living experience 12 Feb 2018 City accommodation in the Singapore Management University (SMU) will soon go beyond just providing students with a place to stay. Spaces... A discussion on technological disruption in government, business, healthcare, education 11 Feb 2018 The panelists at the book launch of 'Living Digital 2040: Future of Work, Education, and Healthcare' were asked to talk about the most... MRT turning the corner, but full recovery some way off 10 Feb 2018 Last Tuesday, I gave a talk at the Behavioural Sciences Institute's conference on public transport and public trust. Ready to take off, fuelled by technology and innovation 04 Feb 2018 The sixth edition of the airshow will focus on technology's impact on global aviation. New quantum algorithm may help AI to predict future 03 Feb 2018 WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 (Xinhua) -- An international team has shown that quantum computers can analyze relationships within large sets of data... Proposed home-sharing rules to be released for feedback by Q1 03 Feb 2018 A consultation paper that sets out a regulatory framework for short-term accommodation will be released before April - a long-awaited move... Huge potential in tiny homes 02 Feb 2018 In crowded cities where space is a premium, shoebox apartments are a reality for many people. But what about going further and living in a... I’m surprised the UK managed to retain its innovation ranking 25 Jan 2018 A recent report revealed the UK has retained its place in the global innovation rankings. This, one particular expert suggests, is a... prev 1 2 ... 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 next