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Frequently asked questions
If my tuition fees are fully covered by a scholarship, can I apply for living allowance only under the Study Loan (SL)?
Yes, you may apply for a living allowance under the SL if your scholarship does not provide any allowance.
Do Tuition Fee Loan (TFL) and Study Loan (SL) cover Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees (CMF) and hostel fees?
TFL and SL do not cover CMF and hostel fees. However, students may consider applying for a living allowance under the SL which can provide up to S$3,600 per year.
Do Tuition Fee Loan (TFL) and Study Loan (SL) cover full tuition fees for Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) and International Students (IS)?
No. TFL and SL will not cover the tuition fees of SPR and IS in full as the loan amount is capped at the subsidised tuition fees for Singapore Citizens (SC).
How can I apply for the CPF Education Loan Scheme (CPFELS)?
Singapore Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident: Application is to be made via CPF Board portal. You will need to access the portal with your SingPass.
International Student: Email for the Application for Use of CPF Savings under the Education Loan Scheme form (FORM AES/F1).
Please refer to the CPF Education Loan Scheme webpage for the application window. Students will also be notified via email. Those who are already on the scheme do not have to re-apply.
More information is available at CPF Board portal.
For enquiries, please contact the CPF Call Centre at 1800-227-1188 or email
What should I do if my Guarantor(s) and I are not in Singapore?
Please refer to the following links for more information:
- Tuition Fee Loan (TFL): TFL webpage and TFL Application Guide
- Study Loan (SL): SL webpage and SL Application Procedures
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