Congratulations to Dr Norman Lee and Dr Oka Kurniawan for being recognised internationally with the achievement of Fellow by AdvanceHE – Information Systems Techology and Design (ISTD)
Congratulations to Dr Norman Lee and Dr Oka Kurniawan for being recognised internationally with the achievement of Fellow by AdvanceHE – Information Systems Techology and Design (ISTD)

We are very pleased to share that AdvanceHE has recognized both Senior Lecturer Dr. Norman Lee and Senior Lecturer Dr. Oka Kurniawan of ISTD Pillar internationally as having achieved the status of Fellow.
The Fellowship recognizes personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. This involved submitting a reflective portfolio of teaching practices, with supportive evidences.
This Fellowship initiative is part of Office of Undergraduate Studies- Learning Sciences Lab’s Professional Development Programme- and SUTD is the first to launch this program in Singaporean universities at the institutional level, and Dr. Norman is the first at SUTD to receive this fellowship.
Norman and Oka are among the 11 participating in the first cohort, and the first cohort will be the champions supporting the subsequent cohorts.