International Qualifications

You should have completed at least 12 years of general education or have taken the Year 12 national/international examination in the year of application in order to be considered for admission. Students with strong competency in Mathematics and the Sciences, i.e. Physics or Chemistry, are generally preferred.

Application timeline for Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level applicants

23 Feb 2024
Application open

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19 Mar 2024
Application deadline

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30 Apr 2024
Shortlisted individuals to schedule an interview

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15 May 2024
Application outcome announced

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10 May 2024
Appeal open

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24 May 2024
Appeal deadline

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31 Jul 2024
Acceptance deadline

This is the description to this expanded accordion in the list.

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Frequently asked questions

Will all applicants be interviewed?

Only shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by SUTD for the admission into the Bachelor programme and Duke-NUS for the conditional admission into the MD programme.

Is either SAT or IELTS score submission compulsory for admission? Is there any minimum requirement?

Submission of either IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), ACT scores or C1 Advanced is compulsory for applicants who are presenting qualifications where English is not the medium of instruction.

There is no prescribed minimum score as your application will be reviewed comprehensively based on both academic and non-academic achievements.

I have not received my exam results yet. Can I apply with my predicted results, and if yes, when should I do so?

If you will only receive your actual/final results latest by August of the application year, you may submit an admission application with your latest semester/predicted results instead.

Please refer to the respective qualification webpages for the detailed requirements and application timelines:



Subsequently, should you accept our offer, you will have to submit your actual/final results within 3 days following the official release date.

Do I need to authorise the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) to release my IB transcript to SUTD?

Yes, you will have to authorise the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) to release your International Baccalaureate (IB) transcripts to SUTD. Please approach your school’s IB Diploma Programme coordinator for more details.

What is the minimum IB score for admissions? What subjects should I take in IB?

We do not have a minimum IB score requirement as we practise a comprehensive review of applications where we consider all academic and personal attributes to assess if you are able to cope with the rigour of our programme and will fit in well in SUTD.

For the former, it is recommended that you have taken Higher Level Mathematics (either MAA or MAI) and at least one Higher Level Science subject, eg. Physics or Chemistry, though students with other subject combinations will also be considered. We will also take into consideration your grades at IBDP Year 4, O-level or equivalent.

For the latter, through your participation in co-curricular activities, accomplishments, teacher’s recommendations, and responses to our personal insight questions, we hope to gain a better understanding of you as an individual, and if you have the attributes to flourish in SUTD.

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