A Village of Encounters: Growing Tourism in Gangwon Fishing Fillages
I am Designing a Port and a Minbak-street urban area for Galnam to be converted into a tourism village such that North Korean workers from the fishery and service sectors can hard cash while greying fishing village Galnam can adapt and leverage off growing east coast tourism with North Koreans as the new draw.
Our project looked at KoreanEast Coast tourism and infrastructure like the Nangmankaido and Donghae Bukbu line but noticed that despite growing domestic tourism along the East Coast, the major port cities were still missing their international impact within the region compared to their past. We think an East Coast sea network to connect the ports of Gangwon together with neighbouring Japan and even Russia would be a strategic regional move to reinvigorate the Gangwon.
As we studied Gangwon ports, we realised that all ports are different, with different ports specializing in industry, ferry shipping or fisheries, so the canabalisation of tourism between the ports seem unlikely. For our project specifically, we saw that small fishing villages like Galnam were aging and unable to compete with larger modern fishing ports was an excellent opportunity for these ports to transition into a newer sustainable tourism model for economic survival. The vIllage of Galnam had already begun opening up to tourism, so testing a more grounded tourism approach at Galnam was an excellent opportunity.
As part of the East Coast sea network, we also acknowledge the potential for diplomatic ties with North Korea by including their port cities. As North Korea has a high demand for hard cash, if fishermen and service sector North Koreans use the Sea Network to port of call at Galnam and participated in the Galnam ecology as economic workers, in a special economic zone arrangement for this tourism village plan, Galnam could rebrand itself as a toursim village collaborating with North Koreans North Korean fishermen and North Korean businesses operating specially in Galnam would become a spectacle which draws in more tourists than usual, domestic and international. Galnam residents would transit smoothly into the tourism economy while North Koreas workers earn a good profit.
As such, our intervention at Galnam isl be one of encounters: a deliberate, grand encounter between tourists and North Korean fishermen at a brand new port we will build, as well as a subtle serendipitous encounters between tourists and North Korean workers within the organic streets of Galnam. The new port will support higher logistical demands at Galnam which our intervention attempts to enable, crafting a sense of arrival from both sea and from land. In the village itself, inserting new minbaks that function as dormitories and business spaces for North Koreans can reframe existing urban spaces in small public squares and enable exploring tourists to casually encounter North Koreans.
Solid face of the north korean dorm sitting within the quiet residential fabric of the village. tourists passing by may encounter a north korean quietly relaxing outside their dorm here while passing by.
Porous facade of the north korean dorm where the interactions between tourists and north koreans on the ground floor businesses spill onto the public spaces and even bleed onto the second floor where north koreans stay through different verticle access.
view of village and dorm from nangmankaido road
ground floor of the dorm for north koreans have two businesses for north koreans to earn hard cash: A noraebang (karaoke) and an aririang restaurant
exisitng site roof plan 1-750
the nolli map descrbes the deliberate encounters between north koreans and tourists at the large open port whereas smaller quaint encounters occur within the village close to the north korean dorms.
the dorm proposed will redefine the streets in the village and create leftover spaces for interactions with 3 solid faces while one porous facade of the building allows street conditions to bleed into the interior of the building.
roof plan shows how the materiality of the ground conditions craft different left over spaces where people interact. the dorm is left in white concrete to distinguish itself from the rest of the village’s patchwork construction.
iternary depicting the activities of the tousits, residents and north koreans visitng galnam
sense of arrival at port for those approaching galnam by sea. the port will support large traffic and sea related activities.
A large open port to act as a deliberate event space for north koreans and tourists to interact, and smaller dormitories for north koreans to work and stay, hidden within the village.
dorm L2 floorplan 1-100 North koreans stay on the second and third floors the kitchen for the restaurant on the first floor is on the second floor, and is another semi-public space due to vertical stair connectivity and street like corridoors.
dorm L3 floorplan 1-100 North koreans stay on the second and third floors the third floor features a communal room for communal activities between north koreans such as self criticism.
Original source from: http://asd.courses.sutd.edu.sg/option-studio-two/2021/08/14/a-village-of-encounters-growing-tourism-in-gangwon-fishing-villages-5/