
Sustainable Design Option Studio 1 & 3


Eva Castro & Federico Ruberto

Students Involved

Ng Qi Boon, Tan Yen Keat Timothy, Ho Jin Teck Daryl, Iffah Khairani Bte Muh Dzaki, Peng Haonan

About The Project

There are four main issues to address in this project. The first two issues are the regular occurrences of landslide and flooding incidents. The third issue is Bhote Koshi’s inefficient agriculture industry despite it being the biggest income-generating industry in Nepal, which along with the general issues in Nepal signifies the fourth issue on hand, a lack of water management systems for irrigation. The last issue could potentially be developed alongside a series of proposed infrastructural development that could mitigate environmental risks and be a source of irrigation for the agriculture farming, while allowing sustainable urban growth.


The Bhote Koshi river valley has an established tourism infrastructure that caters mainly for cultural and extreme tourism seekers. Hence, agrotourism could be another addition to Bhote Koshi’s existing tourism industry, establishing as strong and diversified tourist attraction site that is able to cater to family-friendly travelling.


For prototypical studies, this project looks at flooding mitigation strategies and different irrigation and terracing methods. These are essentially two water management systems, one which aims to draw away water from a site (mitigation) and another aims to retain water in a particular area (agriculture terracing). Hence, the project examines these strategies to understand how water systems work and modify these existing ones to form new systems that could tackle both issues.


In essence, the conceptual framework for project Bhote Koshi is identifying potential agricultural and urban nodes and linking these nodes to form an agricultural industry belt.


Categories: ArchiveCore ModulesCurriculum ProjectsResearch and ProjectsStudent ProjectsSustainable Design Option Studios