
Sustainable Design Option Studio 1



Peter Ortner


Students Involved

Ahmad Rashidi bin Razali
Chen Ran
Cher Jia Xi Jane
Chin Kee Ting
Grace Wong Xin Jing
Han Jing
Kiang Ching
Lim Hai Heng Lester
Lim Xin Yan
Lim Ying
Naomi Marcelle Bachtiar
Ngiam Ju Jin Lucas
Song Tingxuan
Tay Boon Kiat
Abdul Irfan Hadi
Wan Mengcheng


About The Project

While excitement has been building for drone delivery since Jeff Bezos’ 2013 prediction that it would be a reality in the next five years (ahem, that was six years ago Jeff…) it seems like Singapore may be among the first countries to implement a viable drone delivery system. The Singaporean drones, however, will not be dropping into the voluminous backyards of American suburbia – instead they will be crossing nearby seas to deliver packages to freighter ships (an Airbus project) and to Pulau Ubin (a Singapore Post project).


In this studio we will be looking at the unlikely cohabitation of the architecture of the drone port and the coastal landscape dedicated to ecology and leisure. This cohabitation need not be conflictual; indeed, we expect to find unexpected and productive overlaps that protect ecological continuities and provide efficient infrastructure for new systems of drone delivery.


Find out more here