Filter Farm | Lance Marco Sy Yu, Seah Shi’en Maryann

Filter Farm | Lance Marco Sy Yu, Seah Shi’en Maryann

Option Studio: Building an Urban Forest
Instructor: Christine Yogiaman

Current discourse on ecological services associates its provisions to the performance of our planet’s natural ecosystems and allocates human as a passive beneficiary. The current narrative tends to associate urbanity as disruptive to the natural regulatory ecological processes and associates natural imbalance to the unavoidable functions of cities.

Our project challenges the notion of dissonance between cities and nature by integrating the two systems into a singular ecosystem that has the potential to self-regulate.

Through the agroecological approach to farming plants, we use human consumption to regulate the flow of excess nitrogen and carbon through the ecosystem. The buildings on Alexandra Woodlands are a series of self-regulating scaffolds that farm cycles of nitrogen and carbon absorbent plantations, responding to the fluctuating nitrogen and carbon content in the air.

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