Original source from: http://asd.courses.sutd.edu.sg/option-studio-one/2020/09/24/streetmekka-viborg/
Streetmekka is a new cultural destination offering a wide variety of facilities for self-organized sports and customizable workshop areas for music production, DJ’ing, an animation studio, fabrication lab and various artist studios and wood and metal workshops. Informal meeting areas and Social spaces are spread out across the building and are strategically placed between primary functions based on the concept on proximity of activities that lower the threshold for participation. The original building was once a typical mass produced windmill factory from the late 1960’s and 70’s that is found in almost every suburban industrial zone in the western world. Streetmekka is constructed from prefabricated concrete panels and corrugated steel, hence the building is perceived as having little or negligible historic, cultural and architectural value.
Original source from: http://asd.courses.sutd.edu.sg/option-studio-one/2020/09/24/streetmekka-viborg/