Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Programme (UPOP)

Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Programme (UPOP)


The Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Programme (UPOP) is a programme that aims to develop our undergraduates to be career-ready. Through the practical and experiential sessions conducted by the career advisors and professional consultants, students will acquire relevant career development skills to help them navigate the graduate employment market.


UPOP spans over five stages so that all undergraduates are given various opportunities to learn more about industries, make significant contributions and be aware of self and industry expectations.


Five stages of UPOP
  1. Self-Discovery / Career Planning
  2. UPOP Week / Meeting Industry Captains
  3. Preparation for Internship
  4. Embarking on Internship
  5. Learning Celebration Carnival – reflect and celebrate internship experience and past-term’s achievements.

At the end of the five stages, all undergraduates will be ready for full-time employment or graduate studies.


UPOP Essential Modules

Refer to the schedule for key dates of UPOP 2023/2024.



  2. The Art of Communication
  3. Brand YOU
  4. Career SuperDRIVE
  5. LinkedIng Up
  6. Showcase Your Skills
  7. Ace Your Interview
  8. Super-Intern with X-Cultural Factor
  9. Job Search Strategies
  10. The Art of Negotiation and Persuasion
UPOP Advanced Modules
  1. Nailing the Assessment Centre
  2. Breaking the CASE