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The English Writing Entrance Test (EWET) in SUTD

The EWET is the English Writing Entrance Test conducted by SUTD for selected Freshmore students in term 1. It is an English Diagnostic Test run by the Centre for Writing and Rhetoric (CWR) to ensure that undergraduate students have the necessary skills to cope with HASS readings, essays and other modules that require some form of writing. Students who fail the EWET are not expected to withdraw from SUTD. However, they are required to take two additional modules – Freshmore English Programme in term 1, as well as Freshmore Communication Programme in term 3, during their Freshmore year.


Freshmore English Programme (FEP)

  • Duration: Eight weeks (16 hours); weekly (2hrs)
  • Start: first term – academic week three
  • Outcome: This is a Pass/Fail module and the grades will appear on the student’s transcript when they graduate from SUTD. Students have to pass FEP in order to graduate.

During the module, students will have the opportunity to learn essay writing skills and techniques, pick up close reading and critical reading skills, learn textual analysis and write critical responses to academic based articles.


Exemptions will be given for students who meet the criteria stated in the table below. If students submit more than one category of scores, the category with the higher score will be considered for the exemption.


 Examination Body Subject   Score 
 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’ Level  General Paper (H1 Level GP)  C and above
 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’ Level  Knowledge Inquiry (KI)  C and above
 International Baccalaureate (IB)  Theory of Knowledge  C and above
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science For students from Class of 2021 and later

EL5131: Critical Reading and Writing II: The Global Connection; or

EL6131: Critical reading and writing III: Emerging issues in a changing world; or

EL6132 Language for Personal & Professional Communication

B- and above
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science For students from Class of 2020 and earlier

EL5101 Language in Society II and EL6103 Language in Society

B and above in both


All students without the above minimum qualifications and scores must take the EWET.

What is FEP?

The FEP, or the Freshmore English Programme is a 4-week (4 hours per week) English module that is offered in term 1 for selected freshmore students. Lessons are conducted twice a week, for 2 hours at a time. This is a Pass/Fail module and the grades will appear on the student’s transcript when they graduate from SUTD. Students have to pass FEP in order to graduate.


During the module, students will have the opportunity to learn essay writing skills and techniques, pick up close reading and critical reading skills, learn textual analysis and write critical responses to academic based articles.

What is FCP?

Freshmore Communication Program is a mandatory no fuss six weeks crash course designed to bring all undergraduates’ academic writing up to speed.


This mandatory module will take place in term 3.

Further clarifications

What is EWET?

EWET is the English Writing Entrance Test conducted by SUTD for selected Freshmore students in term one of their Freshmore year.

What is the format of the EWET?

There will be a given reading on a theme/topic. Students will be required to read the reading, and provide a valid written response of approximately 800 words to the issues highlighted in the readings. The entire test will take 1 hour 30 mins.

How do I know if I am selected for the EWET?

Students who need to sit for the EWET will receive an email from Office of Student Administration, informing them about the details of the test.

When is the EWET conducted in 2022?

The EWET will be conducted on Tuesday,13 Sep, 2pm -3.30pm. It will be held remotely. Instructions will be sent by OSA about accessing the test.


Ensure you have no problems accessing eDimension.

Since the test is online, how is the essay submission done?

The student will receive a Word document with the question. Since the essay must be submitted online (through a link provided on eDimension), the student should type out their answers on Word and save it either in .doc, .docx, or .pdf.

Are we able to type our answers in our own laptop, given that it is conducted online?

The student should type out their essays on their laptops or PCs since the essays must be submitted online.

How should I prepare for the EWET?

There is no preparation or studying required. You just have to be present virtually to access the test, read the question carefully and give a logical and coherent written response. Please be reminded that you should write in proper, grammatical sentences and choose a tone which is appropriate.


You are, however, encouraged to read this short book:


William Strunk, Jr. & E. B. White, Elements of Style, 4th Ed. (Allyn & Bacon, 2000).

What happens if I fail the EWET?

You are not expected to withdraw from SUTD if you fail the EWET. If you fail the EWET, you are required to complete the following:

  • Freshmore English Program (term 1)
  • Freshmore Communication Program (term 3). FCP is a Pass/Fail module and you will need to pass both in order to graduate from SUTD.

How would I know if I have failed the EWET?

Students who failed the EWET will receive an email from Office of Student Administration(OSA) in week two, informing them that they have been enrolled into the FEP. The email will also include their weekly class timing and lesson venue. Your FEP teacher will also follow up with an email to you. The first FEP class will begin in week three.