Futurescaping2024 (Singapore) Exhibition
This exhibition presents the outstanding achievements of “Futurescaping 2024: New Space Home”, Beijing International Design Week 2024 and the “Design Futures · Shared Vision” Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design 2024 International Summer Program. Centered on the visions of “New Space,” “New City,” and “New Tourism”, the exhibition not only showcases the innovative works of young students from Tsinghua and SUTD but also proposes more inclusive and sustainable possibilities for the future. The diversity and richness of Earth’s civilization serve as the foundation and inspiration for our exploration and creation of a new space civilization.
The exhibition is a romantic journey across interstellar boundaries, transcending destiny and emotion. It is a poetic exploration of the future and the unknown, as well as a heartfelt declaration of humanity’s shared destiny. In this cosmic symphony, we follow the footsteps of humankind, transitioning from “Design Futures” to envisioning “New Space Home”. Together, we reflect on the meaning of life, cherish this new home extending into the cosmos, and collaboratively write a new chapter for the shared future of humankind.
List of works
“Futurescaping2024: New Space Home”, Beijing international Design Week 2024
- Pioneer Archives 开拓者档案
- Material Revolution 革命材料
- Marsia’s Box 玛西亚之盒
- Mars Diary 火星日记
“Design Futures· Shared Vision”, Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design 2024 International Summer Program
- Moobie 融游
- Dreamars 火种
- iCAR X25 Explore Mars: Young Innovators 探索火星:青年创新者
- FitFlora 未来公园
- Cosmic Horizon 宇宙地平线