How can we make this work? – Ageing Research Network (ARN) Symposium
The Ageing Research Network (ARN) brings together centres/institutes leading and conducting research on ageing in Singapore. At this symposium, four of the centres/institutes in the ARN will present their research findings on the evaluation of various hospital or community-based programmes for older adults in Singapore. They will highlight what works and for whom, and what modifications need to be made for improving the impact of the programmes. Colleagues working with and for older adults in government ministries and agencies, social service agencies and academic institutions will benefit from attending the symposium.
8.30 AM | Registration |
9.00 AM | Opening Remarks by Centre for Ageing Research & Education (CARE), Duke-NUS Medical School |
9.15 AM | Presentations by ARN centres and institutes |
12.45 PM – 2.00 PM | Closing Remarks Lunch & Networking |
Technology and Ageing: Evidence-Based Insights on Enhancing Cognitive and Social Wellbeing and Engagement in Singapore’s Older Adults
Presentation by Singapore University of Technology and Design
- Dr Yow Wei Quin
Professor of Psychology
Head, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences - Dr Sou Kalon
Research Fellow