What are your admission requirements/ cut-off points for the undergraduate degree programmes?

SUTD practises a common admission selection regardless of your programme interest, as all SUTD students will be taking common modules in the first year. You will get to choose your major and are guaranteed your choice at the end of Term 3 without any prerequisites other than passing all your Freshmore modules.
We consider all applications comprehensively, taking into account your academic preparedness as well as your traits, qualities, passion and aspiration for fit with SUTD. For the former, students with strong competency in Mathematics and the Sciences (specifically Physics or Chemistry) are generally preferred. For the latter, through your participation in co-curricular activities, accomplishments, teacher’s recommendations, and responses to our personal insight questions, we hope to gain a better understanding of you as an individual, and if you have the attributes to flourish in SUTD. All shortlisted candidates will also be invited to an interview – so we can get to know you beyond what your online application is telling us.
Admission is subject to merit and fair competition amongst applicants.
For more details on the specific requirements, please refer to the respective webpages:

Singapore Cambridge GCE A-Levels 
Local Polytechnic Diploma
International Baccalaureate Diploma
NUS High School Diploma
International Qualifications