
A Chance Encounter on an Airplane
A while ago, I met an elderly lady on a plane — a vibrant and energetic grandmother. The flight attendant gently held her hand and slowly guided her to the empty seat next to me, kindly reassuring her that once we landed, staff would assist her in disembarking, collecting her luggage, and helping her through customs. I noticed she was traveling alone, so I struck up a conversation with her. She told me that she was nearly 90 years old but still often flew alone for 3.5 hours to visit her children who lived abroad. I was deeply impressed by her independence and strong will.

Talking Point episode on Harms of Fake News featuring Professor Lim Sun Sun
Episode on problem of cyber bullying featuring expert commentary by Professor Lim Sun Sun
Money Mind – Climate Change Special
Money Mind – Climate Change Special
Singapore tops list of cities most ready for AI disruption
Singapore tops list of cities most ready for AI disruption
Lim Sun Sun on Active Mobility (Amendment) Bill and Shared Mobility Enterprises (Control and Licensing) Bill
Lim Sun Sun on Active Mobility (Amendment) Bill and Shared Mobility Enterprises (Control and Licensing) Bill
Singapore Tonight
Singapore Tonight
The battle against COVID-19 and fake news
The battle against COVID-19 and fake news
Worried about your kid’s screen time? What you should know about parenting in the digital age
Worried about your kid’s screen time? What you should know about parenting in the digital age