Industry Night 2022

Industry Night 2022

Date: 21 September 2022, Wednesday
Time: 3.45PM to 8.30PM
Venue: SUTD Campus Centre Level 1 & 2

Showcase and Networking Opportunities for Industry Partners and Students

The SUTD Industry Night is one of the SUTD Career Development Centre’s annual flagship events. Held annually in September, industry partners will get to visit and experience SUTD’s exclusive hands-on teaching approach and understand how it benefits our students in the long-run.

Employers were able to gain a clearer understanding of the SUTD education how it empowers our students to be outstanding in their respective sectors, while being competitive across distinguishing focus areas for various talent selections. SUTD Industry Night also served as a special platform for SUTD students to dig deeper and connect with a mix of company business representatives and explore many areas of interest for their individual career pursuits. 

Industry Night 2022 garnered participation from a total of 72 employers and 232 students, with much positive feedback. Participants enjoyed the guided campus tours which included visits to main facilities and various Pillar showcases. Employers commented that the SUTD students were very vibrant during their interactions, and it was a brillant opportunity for employers to view the students’ learning environments.

The networking session provided an excellent platform for companies to establish their branding. With companies from a wide range of industries present, students could explore and find out more about the various employment opportunities to make informed decisions in securing their internship and graduate roles.

Highlights from Industry Night 2022