Industry Night 2024

Industry Night 2024

Date: 25 September 2024, Wednesday
Time: 3.45PM to 9.00PM 
Venue: SUTD Campus Centre

Showcase and Networking Opportunities for Industry Partners and Students

The SUTD Industry Night is one of SUTD Career Development Centre’s annual flagship events.

New industry partners are warmly invited to experience how and why SUTD’s interdisciplinary learning approaches shape our students to become extraordinary advocators and brilliant performers, who will be the next generation design innovators and leaders in their areas. 

Industry Night provides a vibrant and interactive space for SUTD students and industry leaders to connect, discover and discuss career opportunities across a multitude of industries. With this, the aim is for students to be able to make informed decisions on your career choices, and for employers to discover what sets SUTD students apart from their peers.

The event will start with a presentation by SUTD Provost, followed by a campus tour and student internship poster showcase for employers to have a deeper understanding of SUTD’s curriculum and our students’ quality work. The day’s programme will end off with a networking session – an opportunity for students and employers to mingle and build stronger connections and relationships.

Employers who have attended the past Industry Night have shared positive feedback about the event. They shared that the students were very forward-looking and enthusiastic during the event, which was much appreciated. The students were also highly praised for the quality of their projects and deliverables, and most employers found it an amazing and engaging experience to participate in Industry Night.


The SUTD Industry Night 2024 was successfully held on 25 September with participation from 80 employers and 600 students.


Check out the event highlights video:


For inquiries on Industry Night 2024, please contact: