
Events – 2023

Launch of Singapore Cyber-Physical Learning Alliance
29 November 2023

As part of the strategic direction to further advance Cyber-Physical Learning (CPL), campusX has been reaching out to various organisations in Singapore to jointly collaborate and innovate. The vision for the alliance is to pioneer innovative cyber-physical learning and enable the future of education and work for personalised lifelong learning.

On 29 November, the MOE Permanent Secretary (Education), Mr Lai Chung Han graced the launch of the Singapore Cyber-Physical Learning Alliance as Guest-of-Honour together with SUTD President, Professor Chong Tow Chong, and SUTD Provost, Professor Phoon Kok Kwang. The launch event featured opening remarks by Mr Lai and Prof Chong, a keynote talk by Assistant Professor Jeffrey Chan on “A Primer on the Ethics of Cyber-Physical Learning”, and an insightful panel discussion on “Borderless Learning with Cyber-Physical Technologies and Pedagogies”. 

Altogether, 82 guests attended the launch. The launch mechanism of 13 intricately designed boxes, each housing alphabets that collectively form the name of the Singapore Cyber-Physical Learning Alliance was designed and fabricated by our Term 3 students. Nestled within this creation is an infinity mirror, reflecting the infinite possibilities that education, technology and collaboration can bring towards the future of cyber-physical learning.

To achieve its goals, the alliance, consisting of 13 members with MOE as observer, is setting up various work streams to jointly develop best practices in the areas of Cyber-Physical Learning Technology, Cyber-Physical Learning Sciences and Education Models, Ethics of Cyber-Physical Learning, Learning Analytics, and AI-assisted education for Cyber-Physical Learning.

Overall, the launch was a memorable event that signified an important milestone of the campusX initiative by establishing SUTD as a thought leader for cyber-physical learning. Staff from the SUTD Office of Digital Learning, investigators and developers of campusX, SUTD students, and alliance partners have contributed many hours of teamwork and hard work to make the launch and formation a successful reality. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of modern education, our faculty are invited to be an integral part of this exciting journey.

9th International Conference on Educational Innovation, Monterrey, Mexico
16 – 18 January 2023

The SUTD campusX team participated in the 9th International Conference on Educational Innovation (CIIE), where Professor Pey Kin Leong gave a special session talk to introduce the concept of SUTD campusX cyber-physical learning to the Latin American audience. 

A demonstration of one of campusX’s Minimum Viable Product, the Telepresence Learning System (TLS), was also conducted to researchers at Tecnológico de Monterrey (Tec), with a telepresence robot positioned in Singapore; and with the audience at Tec acting as remote cyber students.