People & Projects
Ready, AR, Fire
Freshmore Term 1 Physical World course [10.015] has 2 key learning pain points. Some students may find it difficult to visualise how projectile trajectories change with different initial parameters and while some may also struggle to visualise how the velocity components of the projectile change over time. To address these learning limitations, an augmented reality (AR) catapult simulation app was jointly developed by campusX and the course instructors. The developed AR app was trialled in the second week of the course in the current Fall term with 160 students, and an improved version will be launched to AY2024 Term 1 and 3 Freshmore students.
This app is part of the effort under campusX Thrust 2 to create a software and design framework that reduces the effort and barrier of entry for creating interactive AR/VR/MR experiences for the classroom.
Cheah Chin Wei joined SUTD in 2011, and has been teaching Physics 1 Classical Mechanics, Physics 2 Electricity and Magnetism, and Microelectronic Devices and Circuits. He is passionate in teaching and like to work with students closely to enhance learning experience in the courses. Therefore he has been active in pedagogy and curriculum development to always look for ways to improve teaching and the courses. Dr Cheah has been the course lead of Microelectronic since 2016, and course lead of Physics 1 (Physical World) since 2018. He has introduced new elements in the courses, and has recently completed leading the teaching team to revise and improve Physics 1 by re-developing the course anew. Dr Cheah is also engaged in various pedagogy research activities and has been awarded several grants such as the SUTD pedagogy innovation grant. He is also the lead for campusX Thrust 2 initiatives for developing and promoting the AR/VR/MR immersive learning technology and pedagogy. In 2020, Dr Cheah was awarded AHE teaching fellowship.
Ng Wei Khim is a senior lecturer in the Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) cluster at SUTD. He is a theoretical particle physicist. Wei Khim has a passion to observe nature and give reasons to the observations. He is also an avid natural historian.
Jacob Shihang Chen, an SUTD alumni from the pioneer batch of the Computer Science and Design (CSD*) programme, is currently a Research Senior Specialist with campusX and its Thrust 2: Immersive Realities Learning (IRL). He has been spearheading the adoption of XR as a tool for design and pedagogy since 2018, through the development of various content pieces, curriculum and exhibitions. He is also an Unreal Authorized Instructor, actively involved in teaching and mentoring student and research projects.
*The CSD programme was previously named Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD).
Mridula Ratheesh Thekkedath is an alumnus from SUTD’s Computer Science and Design pillar (CSD, Class of 2022) and currently working as a Research Senior Technologist under campusX and its Thrust 2: Immersive Realities Learning (IRL). They primarily work on developing XR technologies to be integrated in education, including products that have been and are currently being incorporated into the SUTD undergraduate curriculum.
Ching Chee Leong received his PhD degree at the Physics Department from the National University of Singapore. Before joining SUTD, Chee Leong was an instructor at the NUS physics department. His current research interests include foundations of quantum mechanics, field theory and symmetries as well as quantum simulators and relativistic quantum information. He is also interested in hands-on activity including applying physical models, AR/VR technology to enhance student learning experience in the STEM education.