Designing a spiral ladder-inspired tool that allows precision control of light direction and polarization

Designing a spiral ladder-inspired tool that allows precision control of light direction and polarization

14 Nov 2024

Schematic of the twisted bi-layer metasurface with two design configurations: aligned disks (intrinsic chirality) and displaced disks (unidirectional chirality). Detailed maps of eigenpolarization and far-field amplitude are shown for the design exhibiting unidirectional chirality. Key design parameters include interlayer distance, twist angle, and lateral displacement. covered a joint paper by Professor Wu Lin and NUS Ph.D. student Dmitrii Gromyko, titled “Unidirectional Chiral Emission via Twisted Bi-Layer Metasurfaces,” which was published in the journal Nature Communications.


Professor Wu and her team have developed a new tool for controlling both the direction and polarization of light. Inspired by a spiral ladder and a double-headed drum, Dmitrii initially designed twisted bilayer metasurfaces, made up of two layers of disks arranged periodically with notches at precise angles. This innovative concept was then refined by Professor Wu and her research team. Associate Professor Zhaogang Dong, who recently joined SUTD’s Science, Mathematics, and Technology cluster, was also credited with leading the primary experimental work for this research project.


Professor Wu Lin was also quoted, explaining the rationale behind their design and elaborating on the multidimensional challenges they faced throughout the process.


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