Unaffected by layoffs from technology companies: Science and technology courses are still popular for local university applicants
Unaffected by layoffs from technology companies: Science and technology courses are still popular for local university applicants
Unaffected by layoffs from technology companies: Science and technology courses are still popular for local university applicants
01 May 2023
Lianhe Zaobao, 1 May 2023, 不受科企裁员风影响 科技课程仍是本地大学新生热门选科
Recent layoffs at tech giants do not seem to affect youths’ interest in technology development as applications in computer science and technology related courses show that they are still the most popular in local universities.
National University of Singapore received more than 30,100 applications, compared with previous years’ applications into courses in computer science, medicine, law and humanities and social sciences. The number of students in computer science courses is expected to increase to meet strong demand.
The computer science & design course at the Singapore University of Technology and Design continue to also be popular with students. A spokesman for SUTD said: “The school is heartened to have received more applications from polytechnic graduates including students from Engineering, Computing and Architectural Design courses. This helps to reinforce the diversity of students, creating a richer learning experience.” According to last year’s admission figures, 47% of SUTD’s applications came from polytechnic students.