NUS High School Diploma
NUS High School Diploma
Criteria for Admission
Regardless of your nationality, if you are applying with a NUS High School Diploma, you may refer to the admission requirements below and apply using this application form.
Mother Tongue Language (MTL)
All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are required to fulfil the MTL requirement for admission into full-time publicly-funded undergraduate programmes in the universities.
The MTL requirement may be fulfilled through the following:
- a D7 grade for Higher MTL at Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level (the iGCSE MTL First Language examination does not fulfil the requirement); or
- a pass in MTL ‘B’ or a S grade for H1 MTL/ MTL-in-lieu or H2 MTL Language and Literature or H1 General Studies in Chinese at Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level; or
- a pass in MTL A: Literature, or MTL A: Language and Literature, or Language B MTL at Standard or Higher Level at International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (the IB Standard Level Language ab initio does not fulfil the requirement).
Those who have not fulfilled the MTL requirement may still apply for admission with no prejudice to their application. However, if accepted, they will be required to fulfil the MTL requirement during their course of study.
Applicants who have been away from Singapore’s school system for some years and have not kept up with the study of their MTL or a language that can be offered as MTL-in-lieu may apply for MTL exemption. The MTL exemption application will be facilitated by the universities as part of the university application, and the results made known to applicants who receive admission offers from the university. Please note that MOE does not accept direct applications for MTL exemption. The application for MTL exemption will also not prejudice the evaluation of the application for a place in the university.
Please note that SAT and AP scores are optional. Do visit the US College Board website for details and registration. You should indicate 6532 (SUTD Institution Code) on your SAT registration forms, so that the scores will be sent directly to us by the US College Board.
Online Application Form
For each University Admissions Exercise, we only accept one application from you made through our online application form. Duplicate applications will not be processed.
You may refer to the overview of the online application process for more information.
What is the minimum CAP score for admissions?
We do not impose a minimum CAP score requirement as we practise a comprehensive review of applications where we consider all academic and personal attributes to assess if you are able to cope with the rigour of our programme and will fit in well in SUTD.
On the academic aspect, beyond your CAP, we also consider how you performed in the relevant subjects, e.g. Mathematics and the Sciences. Students who took Majors with Honours in the relevant subjects will be considered favourably. You should also possess a good pass in the relevant subjects at Year 4.
Is it necessary to take Physics major at Year 6 for admission to SUTD?
It is not necessary to undertake Physics major at Year 6 for admission to SUTD. We also consider other Sciences as relevant subjects for evaluation of admission to SUTD.
For more FAQs in other categories including undergraduate programme, financial support and hostel, please refer to our main FAQs page.