Apple Koh

KOH Apple

Senior Lecturer
+65 6499 4766
Pedagogy Innovation
Technology and Design


Apple obtained her Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from The University of Melbourne. She continued to pursue a PhD with the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and School of Chemistry, in partnership with Dairy Innovation Australia, to understand the impact of ultrasound on dairy solutions and the application of ultrasound on the productivity of dairy membrane filtration systems. During her PhD, Apple had the opportunity to work as a teaching assistant for the undergraduate Chemical Engineering subjects. Her responsibilities included delivering tutorials and supervising undergraduate students in their final year research projects.

Education Background
  • PhD (Chemical Engineering and Chemistry), The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2013
  • BEng (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering), The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2009
Awards & Achievements
  • Melbourne Abroad Travelling Scholarship, The University of Melbourne, 2012
  • Clive Pratt Scholarship, The University of Melbourne, 2012
  • Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarship, The University of Melbourne, 2011
  • Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry), Australian Research Council, 2010
Key Publications
  1. L.L.A. Koh, H.T.H. Nguyen, J. Chandrapala, B. Zisu, M. Ashokkumar and S.E. Kentish (2014), The use of ultrasonic feed pre-treatment to reduce membrane fouling in whey ultrafiltration, Journal of Membrane Science453, pp. 230-239. 
  2. L.L.A. Koh, J.Chandrapala, B. Zisu, G.J.O. Martin, S.E. Kentish and M. Ashokkumar (2014), A comparison of the effectiveness of sonication, high shear mixing and homogenisation on improving the heat stability of whey protein solutions, Food and Bioprocess Technology,7(2), pp. 556-566.
  3. L.L.A. Koh, M. Ashokkumar and S.E. Kentish (2013), Membrane Fouling, Cleaning and Disinfection, In: Membrane Processing – Dairy and Beverage Applications (Ed. A. Y. Tamime), pp. 73-106, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
  4. L.L.A. Koh, M. Ashokkumar and S.E. Kentish (2012), The effect of feed pre-treatment by ultrasound on dairy ultrafiltration membranes, Procedia Engineering44, pp. 1910-1912.