Bradley Camburn


Senior Lecturer
Design Science & Engineering

Dr Camburn’s current research centres on leveraging AI to enhance the capabilities of physics-based simulation in support of the design process. He has authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications and made key contributions to design science, particularly in ideation and prototyping.

Before joining SUTD, he was an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Oregon State University from 2019-2023. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas in 2015 and his bachelor’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University in 2008, both in Mechanical Engineering. He was formerly the Chief Engineer at Gilmour Space Technologies and led the Research and Development team to produce the world’s largest single-port hydrogen peroxide oxidised hybrid rocket engine. He also previously worked as a Research Scientist at the Singapore University of Technology and Design and Massachusetts Institute of Technology International Design Centre (IDC).

  • PhD (Mechanical Engineering) University of Texas at Austin 2015
  • MSME (Mechanical Engineering) University of Texas at Austin 2010
  • BSME (Mechanical Engineering) Carnegie Mellon University 2008
  • Editors Choice Award, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2020 “Machine Learning-based Design Concept Evaluation”
  • Reviewer of The Year, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2019
  • Best Paper Award, Design Theory and Methodology Conference, ASME-IDETC, 2019
  • Design Studies Award, Design Studies Journal, 2018 “Principles of maker and DIY fabrication: enabling design prototypes at low cost.”
  • DBCS SG Mark Award 2017: Design Innovation Cards
  • DBCS SG Mark Award 2017: Gilmour Space Academy
  • MIT Club of Singapore Innovation Award 2016, Light Owl, non-lethal dazzler defense drone
  • Best Paper Nomination, 2015, ASME IDETC, “The Way Makers prototype: Principles of DIY Design” Best Paper Award, 2014, ASME IDETC, “Designettes: New Approaches to
  • Multidisciplinary design” Graduate Fellowship Award, University of Texas, Cockrell School of Engineering, 2008-2011
Selected Key Publications
  • Camburn, B., He, Y., Raviselvam, S., Luo, J. and Wood, K., 2020. Machine learning-based design concept evaluation.Journal of Mechanical Design, 142(3), p.031113.
  • Sable, S.D. and Camburn, B., 2021. Topology generation for ion-thruster grids. InAIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum(p. 3419).
  • Camburn, B., Arlitt, R., Anderson, D., Sanaei, R., Raviselam, S., Jensen, D. and Wood, K.L., 2020. Computer-aided mind map generation via crowdsourcing and machine learning.Research in Engineering Design, 31, pp.383-409.
  • He, Y., Camburn, B., Liu, H., Luo, J., Yang, M. and Wood, K., 2019. Mining and representing the concept space of existing ideas for directed ideation.Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(12), p.121101.
  • Bradley Camburn, Yuhui Wee, Lujie Chen, Kristin Wood, Lawrence Sass. Recursive Segmentation: An Approach to Produce Large and Complex Designs. (2019) Proceedings of CAD’19, Singapore, June 24-26, 2019, 358-362
  • Camburn, B., He, Y., Raviselvam, S., Luo, J. and Wood, K., 2019, August. Evaluating crowdsourced design concepts with machine learning. InInternational Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference(Vol. 59278, p. V007T06A006). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Camburn, B. and Wood, K., 2018. Principles of maker and DIY fabrication: Enabling design prototypes at low cost.Design Studies, 58, pp.63-88.
  • Lim, S.Y.C., Camburn, B.A., Moreno, D., Huang, Z. and Wood, K., 2016, August. Design concept structures in massive group ideation. InInternational Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference(Vol. 50190, p. V007T06A006). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Hamon, C.L., Green, M.G., Dunlap, B., Camburn, B.A., Crawford, R.H. and Jensen, D.D., 2014, June. Virtual or physical prototypes? Development and testing of a prototyping planning tool. In2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition(pp. 24-1361).
  • Camburn, B., Otto, K., Jensen, D., Crawford, R. and Wood, K., 2015. Designing biologically inspired leaf structures: computational geometric transport analysis of volume-to-point flow channels.Engineering with Computers, 31, pp.361-374.
  • He, Y., Camburn, B., Liu, H., Luo, J., Yang, M. and Wood, K., 2019. Mining and representing the concept space of existing ideas for directed ideation.Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(12), p.121101.
  • Camburn, B., Viswanathan, V., Linsey, J., Anderson, D., Jensen, D., Crawford, R., Otto, K. and Wood, K., 2017. Design prototyping methods: state of the art in strategies, techniques, and guidelines.Design Science, 3, p.e13.
  • Camburn, B., Dunlap, B., Gurjar, T., Hamon, C., Green, M., Jensen, D., Crawford, R., Otto, K. and Wood, K., 2015. A systematic method for design prototyping.Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(8), p.081102.