Chen Binbin

CHEN Binbin

Associate Professor, Associate Head of Pillar (Innovation and Enterprise)
Networked and Autonomous Systems
Secure Computing
Software Design

CHEN Binbin is currently an Associate Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). He also serves as the Deputy Director for the Future Communications Research and Development Programme (FCP), Singapore.

Prior to joining SUTD, Binbin was a Principal Research Scientist at Advanced Digital Sciences Center (now renamed Illinois ARCS), University of Illinois. He got his PhD from National University of Singapore and Bachelor from Peking University, both in Computer Science.

His current research interests include wireless networking, distributed systems, and cyber security for critical infrastructures. His research has received several awards, including the Best Paper Award in ACM SIGCOMM conference 2010 for the work on Error Estimating Coding. His research has been funded by National Research foundation (NRF), Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore, Energy Market Authority (EMA) of Singapore, Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Building & Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore, Singapore Cybersecurity Consortium, and Singapore Ministry of National Development (MND).

Selected Publications (ORCID | Google Scholar):

[INFOCOM’24] Ziming Zhao, Zhaoxuan Li, Zhuoxue Song, Fan Zhang, Binbin Chen, “RIDS: Towards Advanced IDS via RNN Model and Programmable Switches Co-Designed Approaches”, to appear in INFOCOM 2024.

[NG-OPERA’24] Nguyen Bao Long Tran, Mao Van Ngo, Yong Hao Pua, Thanh Long Le, Binbin Chen, Tony Q. S. Quek, “AI-Driven rApps for Reducing Radio Access Network Interference in Real-World 5G Deployment”, to appear in INFOCOM 2024 Next-generation Open and Programmable Radio Access Networks (NG-OPERA) workshop.

[TSG’24] Suman Sourav and Binbin Chen, “Exposing Hidden Attackers in Industrial Control Systems using Micro-distortions”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume: 15, Issue: 2, March 2024.

[TSE’23] Fan Zhang, Qianmei Wu, Bohan Xuan, Yuqi Chen, Wei Lin, Christopher Poskitt, Jun Sun, Binbin Chen, “Constructing Cyber-Physical System Testing Suites using Active Sensor Fuzzing”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Volume: 49, Issue: 11, November 2023.

[TCPS’23] Ertem Esiner, Utku Tefek, Daisuke Mashima, Binbin Chen, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, David M. Nicol, “Message Authentication and Provenance Verification for Industrial Control Systems”, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), Volume 7, Issue 4, Oct 2023.

[DSN’23] Wei Lin, Heng Chuan Tan, Binbin Chen, Fan Zhang. “DNAttest: Digital-twin-based Non-intrusive Attestation under Transient Uncertainty”, IEEE/IFIP Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June 2023.

[INFOCOM’23] Peng Wang, Suman Sourav, Hongyan Li, Binbin Chen. “One Pass is Sufficient: A Solver for Minimizing Data Delivery Time over Time-varying Networks”, IEEE INFOCOM, May 2023.

[TMC’23] Ziming Zhao, Zhaoxuan Li, Jiongchi Yu, Fan Zhang, Xiaofei Xie, Haitao Xu, Binbin Chen. “CMD: Co-analyzed IoT Malware Detection and Forensics via Network and Hardware Domains”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 22, No. 1, February 2023.

[ESE’23] William G. Temple, Yue Wu, Carmen Cheh, Yuan Li, Binbin Chen, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, William Sanders, David Nicol. “CyberSAGE: The Cyber Security Argument Graph Evaluation Tool”, Springer Empirical Software Engineering Journal, Volume 28, Issue 1, Jan 2023.

[TSG’22] Ertem Esiner, Utku Tefek, Hasan S.M. Erol, Daisuke Mashima, Binbin Chen, Yih Chun Hu, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, David M. Nicol, “LoMoS: Less-online/More-offline Signatures for Extremely Time-critical Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022.

[TWC’22] Peng Wang, Hongyan Li, Binbin Chen, Shun Zhang, “Enhancing Earth Observation Throughput Using Inter-satellite Communication”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume 21, Issue 10, October 2022.

[INFOCOM’22a] Heng Chuan Tan, Carmen Cheh, Binbin Chen, “CoToRu: Automatic Generation of Network Intrusion Detection Rules from Code”, in IEEE INFOCOM, May 2022.

[INFOCOM’22b] Utku Tefek, Ertem Esiner, Daisuke Mashima, Binbin Chen, Yih-Chun Hu, “Caching-based Multicast Message Authentication in Time-critical Industrial Control Systems,” in IEEE INFOCOM, May 2022.

[CPSIoTSec’21] Nils Ole Tippenhauer, Binbin Chen, Daisuke Mashima and David M. Nicol, “vBump: Securing Ethernet-based Industrial Control System Networks with VLAN-based Traffic Aggregation”, in the 2nd Joint Workshop on CPS & IoT Security and Privacy, November, 2021.

[SGC’21a] Heng Chuan Tan, Vyshnavi Mohanraj, Binbin Chen, Daisuke Mashima, Shing Kham Shing Nan, Aobo Yang, “An IEC 61850 MMS Traffic Parser for Customizable and Efficient Intrusion Detection”, in IEEE SmartGridComm, October 2021.

[SGC’21b] Suman Sourav, Binbin Chen, “Distort to Detect, not Affect: Detecting Stealthy Sensor Attacks with Micro-distortion”, in IEEE SmartGridComm, October 2021.

[SecDev’21] Carmen Cheh, Binbin Chen, “Analyzing OpenAPI Specifications for Security Design Issues”, in IEEE Secure Development Conference, October, 2021.

[WoSoCer’21] Vincent Tan, Carmen Cheh and Binbin Chen, “From Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) to Regulation Compliance: A Case Study in Financial Services Sector”, in the 11th IEEE International Workshop on Software Certification (IEEE ISSREW/WoSoCer), October, 2021.

[TIT’21] Steffen Bondorf, Binbin Chen, Jonathan Scarlett, Haifeng Yu, Yuda Zhao, “Sublinear-Time Non-Adaptive Group Testing with O(k log n) Tests via Bit-Mixing Coding” in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 63, no. 3, March 2021, Page(s):1559 – 1570.

[BigData’20] Ying Yang, Xin Lou, Binbin Chen, Marianne Winslett, and Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, “Identifying Failing Point Machines from Sensor-Free Train System Logs,” in IEEE BigData 2020.

[SGC’20a] Partha Biswas, Yuan Li, Heng Chuan Tan, Daisuke Mashima, and Binbin Chen, “An Attack-Trace Generating Toolchain for Cybersecurity Study of IEC 61850 based Substations.” in IEEE SmartGridComm, November 2020.

[SGC’20b] ChongAih Hau, Binbin Chen, Ziling Zhou, and William G Temple, “Accurate Disaggregation of Chiller Plant Loads Using Noisy Magnetic Field Measurements,” in IEEE SmartGridComm, November 2020.

[TSG’20] Partha Biswas, Hongyun Cai, Bin Zhou, Binbin Chen, Daisuke Mashima, and Vincent W. Zheng. “Electricity Theft Pinpointing through Correlation Analysis of Master and Individual Meter Readings.” in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 3031-3042, July 2020.

[CognCom’20] Hongyun Cai, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Yan Li, Vincent W. Zheng, Binbin Chen, Gao Cong, and Xiaoli Li, “Modeling Marked Temporal Point Process Using Multi-relation Structure RNN,” Springer Cognitive Computation, 12, 499–512, May 2020.

[TCPS’20a] Hoon Wei Lim, William G. Temple, Bao Anh Tran Nguyen, Binbin Chen, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, and Jianying Zhou, “Data Integrity Threats and Countermeasures in Railway Spot Transmission Systems,” ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2020, Article No.: 7, pp 1–26.

[TCPS’20b] Carmen Cheh, Binbin Chen, William G. Temple and William H. Sanders, “Modeling Adversarial Physical Movement in a Railway Station: Classification and Metrics,” ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2020, Article No.: 11, pp 1–25.

[Globecom’19] Daisuke Mashima, Yuan Li, and Binbin Chen, “Who’s Scanning Our Smart Grid? Empirical Study on Honeypot Data.” IEEE GLOBECOM, Dec. 2019.

[TOMACS’19] Carmen Cheh, Uttam Thakore, Ahmed Fawaz, Binbin Chen, William G. Temple, William H. Sanders, “Data-Driven Model-Based Detection of Malicious Insiders via Physical Access Logs,” in ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), Vol. 29, No. 4, Nov. 2019.

[SGC’19a] Ertem Esiner, Daisuke Mashima, Binbin Chen, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, and David Nicol, “F-Pro: a Fast and Flexible Provenance-Aware Message Authentication Scheme for Smart Grid”, SmartGridComm (SGC), Oct. 2019.

[SGC’19b] Partha P. Biswas, Heng Chuan Tan, Qingbo Zhu, Yuan Li, Daisuke Mashima, and Binbin Chen, “A Synthesized Dataset for Cybersecurity Study of IEC 61850 based Substation,” (invited paper), SmartGridComm (SGC), Oct. 2019.

[EDCC’19] C. Cheh, U. Thakore, B. Chen, W. G. Temple, and W. H. Sanders, “Leveraging Physical Access Logs to Identify Tailgating: Limitations and Solutions,” in Proceedings of the European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), Sep. 2019.

[AsiaCCS’19] Yan Li, Zilong Wang, Yingjiu Li, Robert H. Deng, Binbin Chen, Weizhi Meng, and Hui Li, “A Closer Look Tells More: A Facial Distortion Based Liveness Detection for Face Authentication,” AsiaCCS, July 2019.

[TSG’19a] Yongdong Wu, Binbin Chen, Jian Weng, Zhuo Wei, Xin Li, Bo Qiu, and Niekie Liu, “False Load Attack to Smart Meters by Synchronously Switching Power Circuits,” in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (TSG), VOL. 10, NO. 3, May 2019.

[IPSN’19] Steffen Bondorf, Binbin Chen, Jonathan Scarlett, Haifeng Yu, Yuda Zhao, “Cross-Sender Bit-Mixing Coding,” in the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2019.

[TSG’19b] Daisuke Mashima, Prageeth Gunathilaka, and Binbin Chen, “Artificial Command Delaying for Secure Substation Remote Control: Design and Implementation,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (TSG), Volume 10, Issue: 1, Jan. 2019.

[INFOCOM’18] Ziling Zhou and Binbin Chen, “RFID Counting over Time-Varying Channels,” in INFOCOM, 2018.

[TIFS’18] Yongdong Wu, Binbin Chen, Zhigang Zhao and Yao Cheng, “Attack and Countermeasure on Interlock-based Device Pairing Schemes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), pages 745-757, Volume 13, Issue 3, March 2018.

[COMSNETS’18] Binbin Chen, Yuan Li, and Daisuke Mashima, “Analysis and Enhancement of RPL under Packet Drop Attacks,” invited paper, in COMSNETS, 2018.

[ACSAC’17] Binbin Chen, Xinshu Dong, Guangdong Bai, Sumeet Jauhar, and Yueqiang Cheng, “Secure and Efficient Software-based Attestation for Industrial Control Devices with ARM Processors,” in Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2017.

[TMC’17] Xiangfa Guo, Binbin Chen, and Mun Choon Chan, “Analysis and Design of Low-Duty Protocol for Smartphone Neighbor Discovery,” Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), pages 3294-3307, Volume 16, Issue 12, Dec. 2017.

[QEST’17] Carmen Cheh, Binbin Chen, William G. Temple and William H. Sanders, “Data-Driven Model-Based Detection of Malicious Insiders via Physical Access Logs,” in International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST), 2017.

[PMC’17] Girisha De Silva, Binbin Chen, and Mun Choon Chan, “Collaborative Cellular Tail Energy Reduction: Feasibility and Fairness,” Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC) journal, Volume36, April 2017, fast track article from ICDCN’16.

[DC’16] Yuda Zhao, Haifeng Yu and Binbin Chen, “Near-Optimal Communication-Time Tradeoff in Fault-Tolerant Computation of Aggregate Functions,” Springer Distributed Computing (DC) Journal, Volume 29, Issue 1, pp. 17-38, Feb. 2016.

[ToN’16] Ziling Zhou, Binbin Chen, and Haifeng Yu, “Understanding RFID Counting Protocols,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 312-327, Feb. 2016.

[ICDCN’16] Girisha De Silva, Binbin Chen, and Mun Choon Chan, “Collaborative Cellular Tail Energy Reduction: Feasibility and Fairness,” in International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), 2016 (awarded best paper in networking track).

[ISSE’15] Binbin Chen, Christoph Schmittner, Zhendong Ma, William G. Temple, Xinshu Dong, Douglas L. Jones, and William H. Sanders, “Security Analysis of Urban Railway Systems: The Need for a Cyber-Physical Perspective,” in International workshop on the Integration of Safety and Security Engineering (ISSE), 2015.

[QEST’14] An Hoa Vu, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, Binbin Chen, David M. Nicol, and Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, “CyberSAGE: A Tool for Automatic Security Assessment of Cyber-Physical Systems,” in International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST), 2014.

[PODC’14] Yuda Zhao, Haifeng Yu and Binbin Chen, “Near-Optimal Communication-Time Tradeoff in Fault-Tolerant Computation of Aggregate Functions.” in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), 2014.

[JACM’14] Binbin Chen, Haifeng Yu, Yuda Zhao, and Phillip Gibbons, “The Cost of Fault Tolerance in Multi-Party Communication Complexity,” in the Journal of the ACM (JACM), Volume 61, Issue 3, May 2014.

[MobiCom’13] Binbin Chen, Ziling Zhou, and Haifeng Yu, “Understanding RFID Counting Protocols,” in ACM Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), 2013.

[NSPW’13] Binbin Chen, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, David Nicol, William H. Sanders, Rui Tan, William G. Temple, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, An Hoa Vu, and David K. Y. Yau, “Go with the Flow: Toward Workflow-oriented Security Assessment,” in the New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), 2013.

[TSG’13] Xin Lou, David K. Y. Yau, Hoang Hai Nguyen, and Binbin Chen, “Profit-Optimal and Stability-Aware Load Curtailment in Smart Grids,” in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (TSG), Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 1411-1420, Sep. 2013.

[PODC’12] Binbin Chen, Haifeng Yu, Yuda Zhao, and Phillip B. Gibbons, “The Cost of Fault Tolerance in Multi-Party Communication Complexity,” in ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), 2012.

[ToN’12] Binbin Chen, Ziling Zhou, Yuda Zhao, and Haifeng Yu, “Efficient Error Estimating Coding: Feasibility and Applications,” in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 29-44, Feb. 2012.

[ICDCS’11] Binbin Chen and Haifeng Yu, “Secure Aggregation with Malicious Node Revocation in Sensor Networks,” in International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2011.

[SIGCOMM’10] Binbin Chen, Ziling Zhou, Yuda Zhao, and Haifeng Yu, “Efficient Error Estimating Coding: Feasibility and Applications,” in ACM SIGCOMM Conference (SIGCOMM), 2010 (awarded best paper).

[INFOCOM’10] Binbin Chen and Mun Choon Chan, “MobiCent: a Credit-Based Incentive System for Disruption Tolerant Network,” in IEEE INFOCOM Conference, 2010.

[FGCS’09] Sebastien Soudan, Binbin Chen, and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, “Flow Scheduling and Endpoint Rate Control in Grid Networks,” in Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Volume 25, Issue 8, Pages 904-911, Sep. 2009.

[INFOCOM’09] Binbin Chen and Mun Choon Chan, “MobTorrent: A Framework for Mobile Internet Access from Vehicles,” in IEEE INFOCOM Conference, 2009.

[CCGrid’07] Binbin Chen and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, “Scheduling Deadline-Constrained Bulk Data Transfers to Minimize Network Congestion,” in IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), May 2007.