Daisuke Mashima


Associate Professor
+65 6499 4532
Networked and Autonomous Systems
Secure Computing
Software Design


Daisuke MASHIMA is an Associate Professor of the ISTD Pillar at SUTD. He was a Principal Research Scientist at Illinois Advanced Research Center at Singapore (Illinois ARCS) where, under multiple competitive research grants, he led research and development on cyber-physical systems security and resilience with particular emphasis on smart grid and smart city systems. He also worked as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore. Previously, he was a researcher at Fujitsu Research of America, working on security and privacy in smart energy and IoT systems as well as standardization of OpenADR. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology in 2012.


His research interest spans over industrial control systems/cyber-physical systems security and resilience, network security, deception technologies (e.g., honeypots), enabling technologies for smart grid and smart nation, as well as development and application of digital twins for critical infrastructure cybersecurity research and education. He was involved in the organizing committee of multiple international academic conferences, including ACM AsiaCCS, ACM CPSS, IEEE SmartGridComm, IEEE PES ISGT, and so forth. He is also serving as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security since 2023 and as the chair of Special Interest Group on Communications and Networks to Enable the Smart Grid of IEEE ComSoc Smart Grid Communications Technical Committee since 2024.

Active Projects / Funding
  • “Safeguarding Monitoring-Control Loop of Body Machine Interface.” Funded by SUTD Kickstarter Initiative (2025-2028). [Lead PI]
  • “National Satellite of Excellence in Design Science and Technology for Secure Critical Infrastructure [NSoE DeST-SCI]: Phase II (Energy Sector).” Funded by National Research Foundation, Singapore (2023-2026). [Co-Lead]
Recent Publications
  • Bernard Chng, Bennet Ng, Muhammad M. Roomi, Daisuke Mashima, and Xin Lou, “CRaaS: Cloud-based Smart Grid Cyber Range for Scalable Cybersecurity Experiments and Training.” In Proc. of IEEE SmartGridComm 2024.
  • Zhiang Li, Daisuke Mashima, Wen Shei Ong, Ertem Esiner, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, and Ee-Chien Chang, “On Practicality of Using ARM TrustZone Trusted Execution Environment for Securing Programmable Logic Controllers.” In Proc. of ACM AsiaCCS 2024.
  • Daisuke Mashima, Yao Chen, Muhammad M. Roomi, Subhash Lakshminarayana, and Deming Chen, “Cybersecurity for Modern Smart Grid Against Emerging Threats”, Foundations and Trends in Privacy and Security: Vol. 5: No. 4, pp 189-285.
  • Vanessa Tay, Xinran Li, Daisuke Mashima, Bennet Ng, Phuong Cao, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, and Ravishankar K Iyer, “Taxonomy of Fingerprinting Techniques for Evaluation of Smart Grid Honeypot Realism.” In Proc. of IEEE SmartGridComm 2023.
  • Ertem Esiner, Utku Tefek, Daisuke Mashima, Binbin Chen, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, and David M. Nicol, “Message Authentication and Provenance Verification for Industrial Control Systems.” In press for ACM Transactions on Cyber-physical Systems.
  • Daisuke Mashima, Muhammad M. Roomi, Bennet Ng, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Suhail Hussain, and Ee-Chien Chang, “Towards Automated Generation of Smart Grid Cyber Range for Cybersecurity Experiments and Training.” In Proc. of DSN 2023 (Industry Track)
  • Muhammad M. Roomi, S. M. Suhail Hussain, Daisuke Mashima, Ee-Chien Chang, and Taha Selim Ustun, “Analysis of False Data Injection Attacks against Automated Control for Parallel Generators in IEC 61850 Based Smart Grid Systems.” IEEE Systems Journal (2023).
  • Beatrice Cassottana, Muhammad M. Roomi, Daisuke Mashima, and Giovanni Sansavini, “Resilience Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Review of Models and Methods.” Risk Analysis (2023).
  • Balachandar Gowrisankar, Daisuke Mashima, Wen Shei Ong, Quanqi Ye, Ertem Esiner, Binbin Chen, and Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, “GateKeeper: Operator-centric Trusted App Management Framework on ARM TrustZone.” In Proc. of IEEE CNS 2022.
  • Ertem Esiner, Utku Tefek, Hasan S. M. Erol, Daisuke Mashima, Binbin Chen, Yih-Chun Hu, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, and David M. Nicol, “LoMoS: Less-online/More-offline Signatures for Extremely Time-critical Systems.” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13, no. 4 (2022): 3214-3226.
  • Utku Tefek, Ertem Esiner, Daisuke Mashima, Binbin Chen, and Yih-Chun Hu, “Caching-based Multicast Message Authentication in Time-critical Industrial Control Systems.” In Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2022.
Selected Open-source Projects
  • OpenPLC61850: OpenPLC that supports IEC 61850 MMS protocol
  • TEE-PLC: OpenPLC on top of OP-TEE (ACM AsiaCCS 2024)
  • SG-ML Framework: Toolchain for automated smat grid cyber range generation (DSN 2023)
  • 50.020 Network Security (Term 7)
  • 50.044 System Security (Term 6 and 8)