BENITA Francisco

Adjunct Lecturer
Data Science & Analytics
Optimisation & Decision Science
Economics & Public Policy
Transportation & Aviation

Francisco Benita completed his PhD studies in Engineering Sciences at Monterrey Tech. Before joining Engineering Systems and Design Pillar, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Architecture and Sustainable Design Pillar. Prior joining SUTD he served as Senior Advisor at the ITESM-BMGI Lean Six Sigma Program (Monterrey Tech). As a graduate student, he had a one-year research fellowship at TU Bergakademie Freiberg and short research visits at Supélec, Université Paris Sud, University of Vienna, TU Berlin and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

  • Ph.D in Engineering Sciences, Monterrey Tech, Mexico (2016)
  • MSc. in Industrial Economics, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico (2012)
Research Interests

He is interested in urban systems and its interface with optimization, data science and statistical learning.

Selected Publications
  • Benita, F., Nasini, S., and Nessah, R. (2022). “A cooperative bargaining framework for decentralized portfolio optimization”, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 102789.
  •  Chuang, IT., Benita, F., and Tunçer, B. (2022). “Effects of urban park spatial characteristics on visitor density and diversity: A geolocated social media approach”, Landscape and Urban Planning 226, 104514.
  • Monnot, B., Benita, F., and Piliouras, G. (2022). “Routing games in the wild: Efficiency, equilibration, regret, and a price of anarchy bound via long division”, ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation 10(1), 1-26.
  • Benita, F. (2022). “Associations between street connectivity and poverty”, Networks and Spatial Economics, 22(1), 181-201
  • Benita, F., Kalashnikov, V., and Tunçer, B. (2021). “A Spatial Livability Index for dense urban centers”, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 48(7): 2006-2022.
  • Benita, F. (2020). “Carpool to work: Determinants at the county-level in the United States”, Journal of Transport Geography 87 (2020): 102791.
  • Benita, F., López-Ramos, F., and Nasini, S. (2019). “A bi-level programming approach for global investment strategies with financial intermediation”, European Journal of Operational Research, 274(1): 375-390.
  • Benita, F and Mehlitz, P. (2018) “Optimal control problems with terminal complementarity constraints”, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 28(4): 3079-3104
  • Kalashnikov, V., Benita, F., López-Ramos, F., and Hernández-Luna, A. (2017). “Bi-objective project portfolio selection in Lean Six Sigma”, International Journal of Production Economics, 186: 81-88.
  • Benita, F., and Mehlitz, P. (2016). “Bilevel optimal control with final-state-dependent finite-dimensional lower level”, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 26(1): 718-752.
  • Benita, F., Dempe, S., and Mehlitz, P. (2016). “Bilevel optimal control problems with pure state constraints and finite-dimensional lower level”, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 26(1): 564-588.