Javier G Fernandez


Associate Professor
Biomedical & Healthcare
Energy & Sustainability


Javier’s research at SUTD is focused on the broad study, development, and application of biological materials in science and technology. In 2014 he was awarded the world’s most outstanding young researcher in materials science by the Bayer Foundation. He has been also awarded with the Zwick Science Award for his studies on Mechanical Testing, and best PhD thesis at the University of Barcelona for studies in the use of biopolymers in Microelectronics and Biomedicine.

After his Ph.D, Javier moved to MIT, where he developed the “Micro-Masonry”, a technology to assemble artificial organs and recognized as “breakthrough in tissue engineering” (CNET). Later, he moved to the Wyss Institute at Harvard University, where he designed and made “Shrilk“, a compostable and biocompatible material inspired by the insect cuticle. Shrilk is referred, for example, to as “one of the materials that will change the future of manufacturing” (Scientific American), a “Supermaterial” (National Geographic), and has been chosen (with graphene) one of the “five material that could change the word” (The Guardian).

Javier regularly collaborates with some of the most important international media outlets. His opinions and views on scientific issues and environmental policies have been, for example, covered in personal interviews, documentaries, and articles of National Geographic, BBC, PBS, FOX, Euronews, Discovery Channel, The Guardian, Huffington Post, Scientific American…

  • 2004-2008 Ph.D in NanoBioEngineering
    – Thesis: “Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructures on Chitosan Biocompatible Surfaces”
    University of Barcelona/Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) (Spain)
  • 2007 Research Visit
    – Development of a micro-fluidic reactor for the study of cellular response to environmental changes
    University of Glasgow (UK)
  • 2003-2004 MsC Nanotechnology
    Thesis: “Nanoengineered Magnetic Field Induced Superconductivity”
    Øresund University (Lund University, Technological University of Denmark and University of Copenhagen) (Sweden and Denmark)
  • 1999-2004 MsC Fundamental Physics
    University of Cantabria (Spain)
Selected Publication
  • Chitin is endogenously produced in vertebrates
    Tang W*,Javier G. Fernandez*, Sohn JJ, Amemiya CT. Current Biology, 2015
  • Manufacturing of large-scale objects using biodegradable chitosan bioplastic
    Javier G. Fernandezand Donald E. Ingber. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2014 299(8): 932–938
  • Unexpected strength and toughness in composites inspired by insect cuticle
    Javier G. Fernandezand Donald E. Ingber. Advanced Materials, 2012 24(4) 480-484
  • Micro-masonry: Construction of 3D Structures by Microscale Self-Assembly
    Javier G. Fernandez, Ali Khademhosseini. Advanced Materials, 2010 22(23) 2538-2541
  • Complex, Micro-structured, 3D Surfaces Using Chitosan Biopolymer
    Javier G. Fernandez*, Christopher A. Mills and Josep Samitier. Small, 2009 5(5) 614 – 620
  • Bayer Foundation, Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award (U.S., 2014)
    International award on Materials Sciences and Engineering.
  • Zwick GmbH & Co, 2013 Zwick Science Award (Germany, 2013)
    International Award on Mechanical Testing
  • University of Barcelona, XIV Premi Claustre de Doctors (Spain, 2010)
    Best Ph.D. thesis of 2008 at the UB
  • European Research Council, European Ph.D. award (E.U., 2008)
Research Oportunities

I’m looking for a motivated and energetic undergraduate, doctoral or postdoctoral candidates to undertake research within the areas of Bioinspired Engineering and Materials Sciences.

Please contact me on email with a short presentation of your background and motivation for applying the position.
