Jeffrey Chan Kok Hui

CHAN Jeffrey Kok Hui

Assistant Professor


Dr. Jeffrey K.H. Chan received his B.Arch from the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), his M.Ed in Mind, Brain and Education from Harvard University and Ph.D. in Architecture (Design Theory and Methods) from University of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on design ethics in the context of large-scale sociotechnical systems and urbanization.

  • PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Research Interests
  • Design Ethics
  • Urban Planning
  • Chan, J.K.H. & Zhang, Y. (2020).Sharing by design. Switzerland: Springer.
  • Chan, J.K.H. (2019).Urban Ethics in the Anthropocene: The moral dimensions of six emerging conditions in contemporary urbanism. UK: Palgrave.
Key Publications
  • Chan, J.K.H. (2020). The urban ethics of an AI-powered planetary urbanisation. JAHR: European Journal of Bioethics, 11(1), 209-232.
  • Chan, J.K.H. (2020). Designing ethics in large scale socio-technical systems. In L. Scherling & A. DeRosa (eds.),Ethics in Design and Communication: Critical perspectives. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 3-13.
  • Liao, K.H., Chan, J.K.H. & Huang, Y.L. (2019). Environmental justice and flood prevention: The moral cost of floodwater redistribution. Landscape and Urban Planning, 189, 36-45.
  • Chan, J.K.H. (2018). Design ethics: Reflecting on the ethical dimensions of technology, sustainability, and responsibility in the Anthropocene.Design Studies, 54, 184-200.
  • Chan, J.K.H. & Protzen, J.P. (2018). Between conflict and consensus: Searching for an ethical compromise in planning.Planning Theory, 17(2), 170-189.
  • Chan, J.K.H. & Zhang, Y. (2018). Sharing space: Urban sharing, sharing a living space, and shared social spaces. Space and Culture. DOI: 10.1177/1206331218806160
  • Liao, K.H. & Chan, J.K.H. (2016). What is ecological wisdom and how does it relate to ecological knowledge?Landscape and Urban Planning, 155, 111-113.
  • Chan, J.K.H. (2016). The ethics of working with wicked urban waste problems: The case of Singapore’s Semakau Landfill.Landscape and Urban Planning, 154, 123-131. [selected as Editors’ Choice for Journal Landscape and Urban Planning]
  • Chan, J.K.H. (2015). Moral Agency in Architecture? The Dialectics of Spatializing Morality and Moralizing Spaces. In A.L. Muller & W. Reichmann (eds.),Architecture, Materiality and Society: Connecting Sociology of Architecture with Science and Technology Studies. UK: Palgrave, pp. 198-214.
  • Chan, J.K.H. (2014). Planning ethics in the age of wicked problems.International Journal of E-Planning Research, 3(2), 18-37.