Kurniawan Herijadi

Senior Research Assistant


Jude H. Kurniawan works as a senior research assistant at Engineering Systems and Design. He is completing his Ph.D. in Geography at the University of Waterloo, Canada, and expected to defend his thesis this fall. Jude also holds an Energy Policy Research Fellowship from the Energy Council of Canada. In his doctoral dissertation, he developed a set of globally linked, internally consistent energy scenarios for Canada to evaluate potential opportunities and barriers towards decarbonization. Previously, Jude has worked on various scenario projects such as the future of urban mobility with SUTD and the Future of Work/Technologies with the Millennium Project. Jude’s interest is to develop and improve systematic multi-scale scenario analysis to model complex interactions of human-environment systems for global environmental change research. Jude holds a Bachelor of Science from Northeastern University and a Master of Climate Change from the University of Waterloo.

  • PhD Geography (ABD), University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Master of Climate Change, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • BSc Management, Northeastern University, USA
Research Interest

Multi-scale scenario analysis, foresight and futures research, Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, smart cities, human dimension of climate change

Selected Publication
  • Zahraei S.M., Cheah L.,Kurniawan J.H. (in press). A Foresight Study on Urban Mobility: Singapore in 2040. Foresight
  • Kurniawan J.H. & Kundurpi A. (2019). Integrating human geography into futures studies: Reconstructing and reimagining the future of space. Geography Compass, 13(6), https://doi.org/10.1111/gec3.12443
  • Scheele R., Kearney N.M.,Kurniawan J.H., Schweizer V.J. (2018). What scenarios are you missing? Poststructuralism for deconstructing and reconstructing organizational futures in Krämer H. & Wenzel M. (eds). How Organizations Manage the Future: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Insights. Palgrave Macmillan, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74506-0_8
  • Kurniawan J.H., Ong C. & Cheah L. (2018) Examining values and influences affecting public expectations of future urban mobility: A Singapore case study. Transport Policy, 66, 66-75, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2017.12.014
  • Schweizer V.J. &Kurniawan J.H.(2016). Systematically linking qualitative elements of scenarios across levels, scales, and sectors. Environmental Modelling and Software, 79, 322-333, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.12.014
  • International Doctoral Student Award (2015-2019), University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Energy Policy Research Fellowship (2016-2018), Energy Council of Canada, Canada
  • Graduate Travel Award (2018), Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation, Canada
  • Early Career Researcher Travel Award (2015, 2017), Society of Risk Analysis
  • Graduate and Postdoctoral Travel Grants (multiple times), Office of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, University of Waterloo, Canada