Kenny Lu Zhuo Ming

LU Kenny Zhuo Ming

Senior Lecturer
Computing Theory
Data Science
Software Design


Kenny received his Ph.D. degree in School of Computing, National University of Singapore in 2008. His Ph.D. thesis focused on regular expression type systems and compiler extensions.

In 2009, Kenny joined Circos Brand Karma, a Singapore-based SME building a social media analytics application. Kenny and his software engineering team developed a SaaS analytics product for the hospitality. His team was one of the early adopters of Hadoop and cloud computing.

In 2012 – 2020, Kenny worked in Nanyang Polytechnic, School of IT as a senior lecturer, teaching various subjects related to programming, web development, big data analytics and artificial intelligence.

During the same period, Kenny held several adjunct faculty positions in overseas universities, such as University of Glasgow and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. As an adjunct faculty member, Kenny was in charge of teaching the fourth year and master level subjects such as compiler design, formal semantics and functional programming.

Kenny’s research interest is in software design, compiler design, type system, regular expression, automata theory and program analysis.

Besides research and teaching, Kenny loves to play with IoT devices and robots, which is not part of his research interest. Kenny has three kids and has been busy with his family besides his work and tech interest.

Before getting busy with kids, he used to play badminton, sing and play music instruments when he was free.

Selected Publications

Book Chapter

  • Lean Launch Data Engineering Projects With Super Type Power.Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu, Pg 119 – 132. Innovative Technologies for Market Leadership: Investing in the Future. Editors,Glauner and Plugmann, 2020, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-41308-8.

Journal Publications

  • Derivative-Based Diagnosis of Regular Expression Ambiguity.Martin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming LuIJFCS 2017.

Conference Publications

  • Solving of Regular Equations Revisited.Martin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu, ICTAC 2019. Hammamet, Tunisia 2019
  • Control flow obfuscation via CPS transformation.Kenny Zhuo Ming LuPEPM@POPL 2019: 54-60, Cascais, Portugal 2019
  • Derivative-Based Diagnosis of Regular Expression Ambiguity.Martin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming LuCIAA 2016.
  • Implementing Cost-effective Data Collection and Extraction Processes with CollaMine.Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu and Belson HengICCCRI 2016.
  • POSIX Regular Expression Parsing with Derivatives.Martin Sulzmann, Kenny Zhuo Ming LuFLOPS 2014
  • Finding Near Duplicates in Short Text Messages in Singlish Using MapReduce and Phonetic Matching.Jophia Yi Wen Soh and Kenny Zhuo Ming LuICC-CRI 2014
  • Regular Expression Sub-Matching using Partial Derivatives.Martin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming LuIn Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP 2012, Leuven, Belgium, September, 2012
  • XHaskell – adding regular expression types to Haskell.Martin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming LuIn Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL 2007, Freiburg Germany, October 2007.
  • XHaskell – adding regular expression types to Haskell.Kenny Zhuo Ming LuIn poster session of the Fifth Asian Symposium of Programming Languages and Systems, APLAS 2007, Singapore. November 29 – December 1 2007.
  • XHaskell – adding regular expression types to Haskell.Martin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming LuIn Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL 2007, Freiburg Germany, October 2007.
  • XHaskellMartin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming LuIn demo presentation of PLAN-X 2006, Charleston, USA, Jan 2006
  • A Type-Safe Embedding of XDuce into ML.Martin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming LuIn Proceedings of the ML Workshop 2005, Tallinn Estonia. Electronic Notes in Computer Science, pages 229-253, 2005
  • An Implementation of Subtyping among Regular Expression Types.Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu and Martin SulzmannIn proceedings of the Second Asian Symposium of Programming Languages and Systems, APLAS 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, November 4-6, 2004. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3302 Springer 2004.