KIM Ji Youn

Post Doc Researcher


Trained as a sociologist of urban studies, I received Ph.D. in Sociology from National University of Singapore. My fieldwork based research explores spatial and cultural features of a multicultural community in Seoul, Korea. Since then my research interests extend across urban studies in Asia, with a focus on urban communities, spatially represented cultural phenomena, and cultural translation within the Asian context. Currently, I joined SUTD as one of the postdoctoral researchers in “New Urban Kampong” project in January 2018. Based on sociological analysis related to urban communities and livability, my job is to create Quality of Life indicators of relevance to HDB context.

Selected Publications
  • Under Review: “Imagined K-fashion and inter-referencing practices: Dongdaemun Fashion Market in Seoul” for Visual Anthropology.
  • Forthcoming: “Creating a sewing village in Seoul: Towards participatory village- making or post-political urban regeneration?” for Community Development Journal (2018).
  • Forthcoming: “Seoul as a global city and multiculturalism: The case of Itaewon”, chapter in Reading Seoul (ソウルを読み解く), Kwansei Gakuin University Press(関西学院⼤大 学出版会) (2018).
  • Forthcoming: “Coupling urban regeneration with age-friendliness: The neighbourhood regeneration project in Jangsu, Seoul”, chapter in Creative Ageing Cities: Urban design with older people in Asian Cities, Routledge (2017) (co-authored with Cho, M. H.).
  • “Coupling urban regeneration with age-friendliness: Neighbourhood regeneration in Jangsu Village, Seoul” for Cities (2016) 58: 107-114 (co-authored with Cho, M. H.).
  • “Cultural entrepreneurs and urban regeneration in Itaewon, Seoul” for Cities (2016) 56: 132-140.