Kwan Wei Lek

KWAN Wei Lek

Senior Lecturer, Associate Head of Cluster (Science, Mathematics and Technology)
Pedagogy Innovation
Technology and Design
Energy & Sustainability
Robotics & Electronics


Kwan Wei Lek received his PhD degree at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. Before joining SUTD, Wei Lek was a lecturer at the Singapore Polytechnic for 7 years and an adjunct faculty at the Singapore Institute of Technology.


Wei Lek is interested in improving students’ learning through design projects and hands-on approaches. His current research interests includes applying artificial intelligence to improve teaching and learning.


Education Background
  • PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
  • MS in Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore
  • BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyoto University
Research Interests
  • Photovoltaic
  • Printed Electronics
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence
  • Pedagogy Innovation
Key Publications

Review articles and book chapters

  • T. W. Kim, Y. Yang, F. Li and W. L. Kwan, “Electrical memory devices based on inorganic/organic nanocomposites” NPG Asia Materials 4, e18 (2012)
  • W.L. Kwan, Y. Yang, “Organic and polymer non-volatile memories: materials, devices and working mechanisms” in “Nonvolatile Memories: Materials, Devices, and Applications” T.-Y. Tseng, S.M. Sze Eds., American Scientific Publishers, California (2012)

Selected journals and conference papers

  • R.J. Peh, Y. Lu, F. Zhao, C.-L. K. Lee, W.L. Kwan, “Vacuum-free processed transparent inverted organic solar cells with spray- coated PEDOT:PSS anode” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95, 3579 (2011)
  • C.H. Chou, W.L. Kwan, Z. Hong, L.M. Chen, Y. Yang, “Metal-oxide interconnection layer for polymer tandem solar cells with an inverted architecture” Advanced Materials, 23, 1282 (2011)
  • W.L. Kwan, B. Lei, Y. Shao, S.V. Prikhodko, N. Bodzin, Y. Yang, “Direct observation of localized conduction pathways in photocross-linkable polymer memory” Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 124516 (2009)
  • W.L. Kwan, R.J. Tseng, Y. Yang, “Multi-layer Stackable Polymer Memory Devices” Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A. 367, 4159 (2009)
  • W.L. Kwan, R.J. Tseng, W. Wu, Q. Pei, Y. Yang, “Stackable Resistive Memory Device Using Photo Cross-linkable Copolymer” 2007 International Electron Device Meeting, Washington D.C. IEDM Technical Digest p237-240 (2007)
Recent Highlights

Applying machine learning methods in understanding students’ learning

Sharing at AI Educator Symposium 2019