Ludovica Tomarchio is a PhD candidate at the Singapore University of Technology (SUTD) and Design and researcher in the Big Data-Informed Urban Design and Governance project in the Future Cities Laboratory. Ludovica earned her master degree in architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 2013 with a thesis on digital technologies enhancing the liveability of public realms in historic centres. She worked as a project assistant at the Aedes Network Campus Berlin (ANCB), Germany from 2013-14. In 2014, she was a teaching assistant at the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech).
Ludovica’s research focuses on the use of social-media and the production of art in urban spaces in Singapore. Her work explores the convergence of the Smart/Responsive Cities and the Creative Cities discourses as new urban planning paradigm. Her main contribution is the definition of Hybrid Art Spaces and the individuation of new methods based on Big data analytics to map, describe and evaluate them.
Selected Publications
- Tomarchio, Ludovica, Bige Tuncer, Linlin You, and Bernhard Klein. 2016. “Mapping Planned and Emerging Art Places in Singapore through Social Media Feeds.” In Oulu, Finland.
- Richthofen, Aurel von, Ludovica Tomarchio, and Alberto Costa. 2019. “Identifying Communities Within the Smart-Cultural City of Singapore: A Network Analysis Approach.”Smart Cities2 (1): 66–81.