Nuno Antunes Ribeiro


Assistant Professor, Deputy Director (Aviation Studies Institute, ASI)
+65 6499 4860
Data Science & Analytics
Machine Learning & AI
Operations Management
Optimisation & Decision Science
Transportation & Aviation


Nuno Ribeiro is an Assistant Professor with the Engineering Systems and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) teaching courses on 40.321 Airport Systems Modeling and Simulation, 40.015 Simulation Modeling and Analysis;  40.614 Metaheuristic Optimization; 10.022 Modelling Uncertainty and 01.400 Capstone

Nuno Ribeiro has received his Ph.D. in Transport Systems from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). During his stints as a Ph.D. student, Nuno also held visiting research positions in MIT and Carnegie Mellon University. In his research, he develops and apply operations research methods (such as optimization, machine learning and simulation) to support the decision-making process in transportation system management. In his PhD dissertation, Nuno has developed a novel decision-making tool for airport schedule coordination. The tool is aimed to support airport slot coordinators to perform demand management interventions at congested airports in a way that reduces imbalances between demand and capacity, while promoting attractive schedules of flights for the airlines and passengers. Nuno’s work has received attention from academia and industry stakeholders reflected in several research awards, such as the Anna Valicek Medal by the AGIFORS in 2018, best the PhD dissertation by INFORMS-AAS in 2019 and the best paper award by INFORMS-AAS in 2020.

Nuno Ribeiro is a principal investigator in the Aviation Studies Institute in SUTD. He is currently working on 3 funded research projects in collaboration with CAAS on “Airfield Management and Economics” ; “Resilient Airspace Operations for Changi Airport” ; “Rapid Evaluation Tools Within the Intelligent Optimisation Platform”.

Post. Doc and Research Assistant Positions

Currently accepting applications for research fellow/research assistant positions in air transportation. Successful candidates will join an active group of Principal Investigators to work within the Aviation Studies Institute of SUTD.

An ideal candidate will have a degree with expertise in one (or) more of the following areas:

  • Operations Research, with familiarity in optimization, and metaheuristics;
  • Computer Science, with a familiarity in design and analysis of algorithms, and possibly in graph theory and social network analysis;
  • Data analytics, with familiarity in predictive and econometric models
  • Simulation and data visualization.

Interested candidates should forward their CV along with the names of two references and a writing sample (journal paper, conference paper, or thesis chapter) to Nuno Ribeiro (

Recent Publications

[1] Birolini, S., Jacquillat, A., Schmedeman, P., & Ribeiro, N. (2023). Passenger-Centric Slot Allocation at Schedule-Coordinated Airports. Transportation Science57(1), 4-26.

[2] Pouget, L., Ribeiro, N. A., Odoni, A. R., & Antunes, A. P. (2023). How do airlines react to slot
displacements? Evidence from a major airport. Journal of Air Transport Management, 106, 102300.

[3] Jorge, D., Ribeiro, N. A. & Antunes A.P. Towards a decision-support tool for airport slot allocation: application to Guarulhos (Sao Paulo, Brazil) (2021) . Journal of Air Transport Management, 93, 102048

[4] Ribeiro, N. A., Jacquillat, A.,& Antunes, A. P. (2019). A Large-Scale Neighborhood Search Approach to Airport Slot Allocation. Transportation Science, 53(6), 1772-1797.

[5] Ribeiro, N. A., Jacquillat, A., Antunes, A. P., & Odoni, A. (2019). Improving slot allocation at Level 3 airports. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 127, 32-54.

[6] Ribeiro, N. A. Airport capacity management: towards a slot allocation modelling approach compliant with IATA rules. (2019) PhD dissertation, University of Coimbra

[7] Ribeiro, N. A., Jacquillat, A., Antunes, A. P., Odoni, A. R., & Pita, J. P. (2018) An optimization approach for airport slot allocation under IATA guidelines”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 112, 132-156

Awards and Honors
  • Winner, Best Student Presentation (PhD Wayne Ng), INFORMS, Aviation Applications Section
  • Awarded with STaRs Program Grant, University of Bergamo, October 2021
  • Winner, TSL Cross Regional Grant, INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Section, October 2021
  • Runner-Up, Best Paper Award, Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), August 2021
  • Winner, Best Paper Award, INFORMS, Aviation Applications Section, November 2020
  • Winner, Best PhD Dissertation Award, INFORMS, Aviation Applications Section, November 2019
  • Winner, Anna Valicek Silver Medal from the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS) – 2018
  • Runner-Up, Best Student Presentation Competition, INFORMS Aviation Applications Section – 2017
  • PhD Scholarship, MIT Portugal Program from 2015 to 2019
  • “3% Best Student Award” in academic year 2012/2013, University of Coimbra
Research Interests
  • Air Transport Management
  • Airport Capacity Optimization
  • Optimization Methods and Metaheuristics
  • Machine Learning and Data Science
  • Simulation Modeling and Analysis
Research Opportunities

The following positions are now available:

  • PhD student
  • Post-Doc/Research Fellow
  • Research Assistant
  • Visiting PhD student