DAI Pengcheng

Research Fellow


Pengcheng Dai received the B.S. degree in statistics from Yancheng Normal University, Yancheng, China, in 2016, and the M.S. and the Ph.D. degrees in applied mathematics from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2019 and 2023, respectively. His current research interests include distributed optimization, reinforcement learning and its application.

  • PhD in School of Mathematics, Southeast University (2019.09 – 2023.07)
    Supervisor: Prof. Wenwu Yu
  • M.S. in School of Mathematics, Southeast University (2016.09 – 2019.06)
    Supervisor: Prof. Wenwu Yu
  • B.S. in School of Mathematics and Statistics, Yancheng (2012.09 – 2016.06)
    Normal University
Research Interests

Multi-agent Systems, Reinforcement learning, Distributed optimization, Optimal control

Selected Publications

Journal Papers

  • Pengcheng Dai, Wenwu Yu, Guanghui Wen, and Simone Baldi. Distributed reinforcement learning algorithm for dynamic economic dispatch with unknown generation cost functions.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 2258–2267, Apr. 2020.
  • Pengcheng Dai, Wenwu Yu, He Wang, Guanghui Wen, and Yuezu Lv. Distributed Reinforcement Learning for cyber-physical system with multiple remote state estimation under DoS attacker.IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 3212–3222, Oct. 2020.
  • Pengcheng Dai, Wenwu Yu, and Duxin Chen. Distributed Q-learning Algorithm for Dynamic Resource Allocation with Unknown Objective Functions and Application to Microgrid.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 12340–12350, Nov. 2022.
  • Pengcheng Dai, Wenwu Yu, He Wang, and Simone Baldi. Distributed Actor-Critic Algorithms for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning over Directed Graphs.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 7210–7221, Oct. 2023.
  • Pengcheng Dai, Wenwu Yu, He Wang, and Jiahui Jiang. Applications in Traffic Signal Control: A Distributed Policy Gradient Decomposition Algorithm.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 2762–2775, Feb. 2024.

Conference Paper

  • Guanghui Wen, Xinghuo Yu,Pengcheng Dai, Wenwu Yu. Economic Dispatch of Smart Grid with Unknown Cost Functions and Switching Network Topology, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Data-driven Optimization of Complex System , 2022. (Best paper)
  • Best paper of 4th International Conference on Data-driven Optimization of Complex System , 2022.