Professor Ang Lay Kee Ricky

Prof ANG Lay Kee, Ricky

Associate Provost (International Relations), Ng Teng Fong Chair Professor
+65 6499 4558

Professor Ricky Ang Lay Kee is the Associate Provost for International Relations, an Ng Teng Fong Chair Professor and the Programme Director of STEAMunity at SUTD. Prior to this, he has held several significant positions at SUTD, including Head of the Science, Mathematics, and Technology Cluster (2018-2023), Acting Head of Engineering Product Development (2017-2019), Director of Graduate Studies (2015-2017), and PhD Programme Director (2012-2014). His contributions to the University were recognised with the Singapore Public Administration Medal (Bronze) in 2017.


Prof Ang is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a fellow of the UK Institute of Physics (IOP), a fellow of the International Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance (AIIA) and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. He is also on various advisory boards of journals including the Physics of Plasmas and Nano Express. He is a leading expert in electron emission theory, interface carrier transport, computational nanoelectronics and fractional modelling, with research funded by various agencies in Singapore and the USA. He earned his Bachelor of Science from the National Tsinghua University (Hsinchu) and his Master of Science and PhD from the Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences programme at the University of Michigan. He was also the Los Alamos National Laboratory Director Postdoctoral Fellow in the Applied Physics Division before joining NTU School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He has also been ranked Top 2% Scientists (Applied Physics) by Stanford University since 2021, and has been a member of the jury panel (Physical Science) of the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough since 2022.