Professor Ashraf A Kassim

Prof KASSIM Ashraf A.

Associate Provost (Education)
Artificial and Augmented Intelligence
Data Science
Interactive Computing

Ashraf A. Kassim is Associate Provost for the Office of Education and a Professor with the Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) pillar at SUTD.


Prior to joining SUTD, Ashraf had been Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) since completing his PhD at Carnegie Mellon University. At NUS, he held senior administrative positions at the University level including Director of Research and Vice-Provost since 2014 prior to which he also held senior positions from 2001 at the Engineering school (Vice-Dean) and ECE Dept (Deputy-Head), and at the Ministry of Education as Assistant Director (Higher Education-Universities) from 1999 to 2000. Prior to joining NUS, Ashraf was with Texas Instruments where he was involved in research and development of machine vision algorithms for automation equipment used at their high volume IC production plants worldwide.


A recipient of Mendaki Foundation’s Anugerah Cemerlang (Academic Excellence) Award, Ashraf received an Institution of Engineers Singapore award for his contributions to the Engineering Accreditation Board in 2011, the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) in 2012 and the National Day Long Service Award in 2018. Prof Ashraf Kassim was a Council Member of the Central Singapore Community Development Council (1997-2000) and served previously in Republic Polytechnic’s School of Engineering’s Advisory Committee (2002-2014), and had been a board member of the Singapore Science Centre, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source and Centre for Maritime Studies.


Prof Ashraf Kassim received various teaching awards over the years including the NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award. His main research interests are in the areas of computer vision, medical image analysis, image processing and machine/ deep learning. Ashraf has published several book chapters, a book, and over 170 technical journal and conference publications. Ashraf has also been involved in the programme and organising committees of a number of international conferences, and is also on the editorial boards of several journals.