Sabreena is currently a Research Fellow with the Engineering Systems and Design Pillar, at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She was born and brought up in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Growing up in a developing country plagued with several transportation problems drew her towards pursuing a research career in the area of transportation. After completing her BSc in Bangladesh University Engineering and Technology (BUET), Sabreena worked as a Junior Research Fellow/Lecturer at Accident Research Institute (ARI) of the same university. Prior coming to SUTD, she was a postdoctoral Fellow in University of Toronto, Canada and a Postdoctoral Associate and Graduate Faculty Scholar in University of Central Florida (UCF), USA.
Sabreena’s research work and interests are multifaceted with a focus on the application of advanced econometric modelling techniques for analysing different decision processes pertaining to travel behavior (cyclist’s route choice, vehicle ownership, vehicle type, mode choice, transportation expenditure, departure time choice), road safety (severity and frequency analysis), and freight transportation (mode choice, shipment size choice, destination choice, freight flow pattern). She has also worked in areas integrating travel behavior with other emerging transportation issues including shared/non-shared ride system (bikeshare, uber, taxi), airBnB, public transit emissions. At SUTD, she is working with Dr Lynette Cheah and will be working on freight parking issues, Commodity Flow Survey, autonomous vehicle perception.
- PhD in Civil Engineering (Transportation), McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2015
- MSc in Civil Engineering (Transportation), University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, 2011
- BSc in Civil Engineering (Transportation/Structure), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2006
Research Interest
Application of advanced econometric modelling in the context of passenger and freight travel behaviour, transportation safety, bicyclist behaviour and bikeshare, shared economy and travel choices (bikeshare, Airbnb, uber)
Selected Publication
- N. Keya, S. Anowar and N. Eluru, “Freight Mode Choice: A Regret Minimization and Utility Maximization Based Hybrid Model”. Transportation Research Record (accepted). [Recipient of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (AT015) Committee 2018 Best Paper Award].
- B. K. Dey, S. Anowar, N. Eluru, and M. Hatzopoulou, “Accommodating Exogenous Variable and Decision Rule Heterogeneity in Discrete Choice Models: Application to Bicyclist Route Choice”. PLoS ONE, Vol. 13(11), 2018, pp. e0208309.
- S. Anowar, N. Eluru and L. F. Miranda-Moreno, “How Household Transportation Expenditures Have Evolved in Canada: A Long Term Perspective”. Transportation, Vol. 45 (5), 2018, pp. 1297-1317.
- S. Anowar and N. Eluru, “Univariate or Multivariate Analysis for Better Prediction Accuracy? A Case Study of Heterogeneity in Vehicle Ownership”. Transportmetrica Part A: Transport Science, Vol. 14 (8), 2018, pp. 635-668.
- S. Anowar, N. Eluru and M. Hatzopoulou, “Quantifying the Value of a Clean Ride: How Far Would You Bicycle to Avoid Exposure to Traffic-related Air Pollution”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 105C, 2017, pp. 66-78.
- A. Faghih-Imani, S. Anowar, E. J. Miller and N. Eluru, “Hail a Cab or Ride a Bike? A Travel Time Comparison of Taxi and Bicycle-Sharing Systems in New York City”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 101, 2017, pp. 11-21.
- S. Anowar, S. Yasmin and R. Tay, “Factors Influencing the Severity of Intersection Crashes in Bangladesh”. Asian Transport Studies, Vol. 3 (2), 2014, pp. 143-154.
- S. Anowar, S. Yasmin and R. Tay, “Comparison of Crashes during Public Holidays and Regular Weekends”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 51, 2013, pp. 93-97.
- Transportation Research Board (TRB) Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (AT015) Committee Best Paper Award, USA
- Bourse d’excellence de rédaction au doctorat, CIRRELT, CANADA
- Best presenter award, 1st Annual conference of Montreal Students’ Chapter – Canadian Transportation Research Forum (MSC-CTRF), Concordia University, CANADA
- Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel Awards (GREAT), McGill University, CANADA
- Bourse d’excellence – Doctorat (PhD Home), CIRRELT, CANADA
- The Fondation 3E “Energy” Award, CANADA
- McGill Engineering Doctoral Award (MEDA) [Max Stern Recruitment Fellowship; Graduate Excellence Fellowship (GEF)], McGill University, CANADA