Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan


PhD Student


Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan is a landscape architect with over 15 years of professional experience and a diverse portfolio of projects across Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong and India. She has worked with Tierra Design in Singapore for over 11 years on projects ranging from residential, commercial, hospitality, institutional, recreational and master planning with many of her projects winning several accolades. Her strong belief in integrated landscape design as an effective solution for sustainable high-density urban environments motivated the move towards pursuing a PhD in Architecture and Sustainable Design at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Under the guidance and supervision of Professor Thomas Schroepfer at SUTD, her research interest focuses on the increased benefits of integrated landscape design in high-density urban environments and the development of strategies towards evidence-based design practice for economically and socially sustainable urban design solutions. Dedicated to raising the quality and standards of her field within Singapore and Asia, she serves on the Council of the Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA) as 1st Vice President and lectures at local educational institutions.

Research Statement

High-density liveable future ‘vertical’ cities require new integrated planning and design strategies that acknowledge their scale and the complexity of their systems and networks. The complex interactions of extensions of public open spaces into the vertical dimension with those on the ground level, their impact on patterns of human movement in the city, their contribution to a more liveable high-density urban environment, and their scalability are currently not well understood. The research examines exemplary built case studies and to better understand how integrated landscape spaces in buildings influence residents’ behaviour and movement patterns within and around the site and how they encourage social interactions, user activities and enhanced physical and mental well-being. The collected data in the case studies will be analysed to provide important insights regarding pedestrian movements in the horizontal and vertical planes, and their social and spatial interactions with larger urban systems and networks of public and common in ground and elevated spaces. The research will subsequently develop spatial distribution and design strategies for such spaces that will help to support higher population densities, higher standards of environmental and social sustainability as well as enhanced liveability in future high-density urban environments.

Selected Publications
  • Contributor,Dense+Green Cities: Architecture as Urban Ecosystem, Thomas Schröpfer, 2020
  • Gopalakrishnan. S, Chong. K.H (2020),The prospect of community-led place-keeping as urban commons in public residential estates in Singapore. Built Environment Journal Special Issue ‘The Sharing City’ (to be published in Q1 2020)
  • Contributor,Time Space ExistenceDense and Green Building Typologies: Architecture as Urban Ecosystem, GlobalArtAffairs, La Biennale di Venezia 2018
  • Featured Interview,‘The Green Forward – ROOT’, The Peak June 2016 Issue
  • Featured Interview,In Conversation – Laying the Groundwork, Cubes Indesign 77 Dec/Jan Issue, 2015
Selected Awards
  • Skyrise Greenery Awards 2015, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, Singapore – Excellence Award,Landscape Design Lead
  • Singapore Garden Festival (SGF) 2014, Bronze Award, Landscape Garden Display
  • Singapore Good Design Mark (SG Mark) Awards 2014, Gold Industry Award – Ocean Financial Centre, Singapore,Landscape Design Lead
  • Singapore President*s Design Award 2013, Park Royal on Pickering, Singapore – Design of the Year,Landscape Design Lead
  • Skyrise Greenery Awards 2013, Park Royal on Pickering, Singapore – Outstanding Award,Landscape Design Lead
  • Skyrise Greenery Awards 2013, Ocean Financial Centre, Singapore – Excellence Award,Landscape Design Lead
  • Singapore Landscape Architecture Awards (SLAA) 2013, Park Royal on Pickering, Singapore – Outstanding Award for Excellence Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA),Landscape Design Lead
  • World Green Roof Congress 2013, Park Royal on Pickering, Singapore – World Best Roof Greening Gold Award,Landscape Design Lead
  • Guinness Book of World Record 2013, Ocean Financial Centre, Singapore – Guinness World Record for World’s Largest Vertical Garden September 2013,Landscape Design Lead
  • Reshmi Memorial Prize (1999)in recognition of all-around co-operation and active participation in extracurricular activities
  • J.R. Bhalla Gold Medal (1998)in recognition of all-around academic performance and leadership
  • General proficiency award (1997)in recognition of excellent academic performance, discipline and good conduct