Sun Zeyu

SUN Zeyu

Data Science & Analytics
Optimisation & Decision Science
Supply Chain & Service Operations


Zeyu graduated from SUTD’s Pillar of Engineering Systems and Design with a PhD degree in 2021 and B.Eng in 2016. Since his PhD graduation, he has been a post-doctoral research fellow at NUS Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM) and then moved to Institute of Operations Research and Analytics (IORA) since 2023. During his time in IORA, he taught the course ‘Decision Analytics using SpreadSheets’ under Department of Analytics and Operations (DAO) in NUS Business School. He joined SUTD family in October, 2023.

  • PhD in Engineering Systems and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 2016-2021
  • BE in Engineering Systems and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 2013-2016
Research Interests

Zeyu’s research interests include choice modelling, assortment optimization, revenue management and network clustering problem.

Selected Publications
  • “Divisive Heuristic for Modularity Density Maximization” (with Alberto Costa, Sergey Kushnarev and Leo Liberti) Computers & Operations Research, 71, 100-109, 2016
Selected Awards
  • SM2 Scholarship, 2012