Associate Professor
Biomedical & Healthcare


Dr Ye Ai obtained his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China) in 2005, and his Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Old Dominion University (USA) in 2011. From 2005 to 2008, he worked as a research associate at Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (China). Prior to joining SUTD as an assistant professor in 2013, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher and expanded his research in bioengineering at Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA). He was a visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from August 2014 to July 2015. He was promoted to associate professor with tenure in September 2019. He serves as Editorial Board Member of Elsevier Organs-on-a-chip and Editorial Advisory Board Member of ACS Analytical Chemistry. Dr Ai’s professional expertise lies on Micro/nanofluidics, BioMEMS and Lab-on-a-chip. His research aims to develop low cost and field-deployable devices for various biomedical, energy and environmental applications.

Education Background
  • PhD, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University, USA, 2011
  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 2005
Research Interests and Objectives

Micro/nanofluidics refers to a set of technologies that can precisely control ions, fluids or particles confined in micron and nanometer scale channels. Due to similar length sales and fluid environments, BioMEMS or Lab-on-a-chip devices based on micro/nanofluidics technology are ideally suited to manipulate and analyze biological entities for various bioanalytical applications. This intrinsically multidisciplinary research field lies at the interface between engineering, micro/nanofabrication, material, chemistry and biology, which has great potential to revolutionize the study of complex biological systems and also leads to the development of novel biomedical devices.

A primary objective of Dr Ai’s research is to explore unique physical phenomena associated with fluid flows at small length scales and their interactions with structures, electrics, acoustics, optics and magnetics. Dr Ai’s long-term research goal aims to apply the understandings and discoveries to develop novel micro/nanofluidics technologies and BioMEMS or Lab-on-a-chip devices with applications in biomedical analysis, healthcare, bioenergy and environmental monitoring. Dr Ai’s research group is also striving to translate their innovative micro/nanofluidics technologies to commercial market through collaborations with industry.

Key Publications

Book and Book Chapter

  • Liang M.H., Zhong J.W., and Ai Y., Biosensors for Single-cell Mechanical Characterization. In Biosensors for Single-Cell Analysis, Elsevier Academic Press, 2022. Link
  • Qian S. and Ai Y., Electrokinetic Particle Transport in Micro/Nanofluidics: Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN: 9781439854389, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 2012.
  • Ai Y. and Qian S., Field Effect Control of Ion, Fluid, and Particle Transport in Micro/Nanofluidics. In Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, New York, USA, 2012.

Selected Journal Publications After Joining SUTD
Full List of Publication

  • Liang L., Liang M.H., Zuo Z.W., and Ai Y., Label-free single-cell analysis in microdroplets using a light-scattering-based optofluidic chip,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2024, accepted.
  • Liang M.H., Zhong J.W., Choo S.S., Agrawal R., and Ai Y., Intelligent image-based deformability assessment of red blood cells via dynamic shape classification,Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, 2024: 135056.Link
  • Chen J.H., Zhong J.W., Chang Y.F., Zhou Y.N., Koo S.H., Tan T.Y., Lei H.T., and Ai Y., Rapid and accurate antimicrobial susceptibility testing using label-free electrical impedance-based microfluidic platform,Small,2023, 2303352.Link
  • Zhong J.W., Liang M.H., and Ai Y., DUPLETS: Deformability-assisted dual-particle encapsulation via electrically activated sorting,Small Methods, 2023, 2300089.Link
  • Chen J.H., Zhong J.W., Lei H.T., and Ai Y., Label-free multidimensional bacterial characterization with ultrawide detectable concentration by microfluidic impedance cytometry,Lab on a chip, 2023, 23: 5029-5038.Link
  • Zhong J.W., Liang M.H., Tang Q., and Ai Y., Selectable encapsulated cell quantity in droplets via label-free electrical screening and impedance-activated sorting,Materials Today Bio, 2023: 100594.Link
  • Liang M.H., Tang Q., Zhong J.W., and Ai Y., Machine learning empowered multi-stress level electromechanical phenotyping for high-dimensional single cell analysis,Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2023, 225: 115086.Link
  • Liang, L., Hu X.J., Shi Y., Zhao S.K., Hu Q.H., Liang M.H., and Ai Y., Tunable and dynamic optofluidic microlens arrays based on droplets, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94 (43): 14938-14946.Link
  • Liang M.H., Zhong J.W., and Ai Y., A systematic study of size correlation and Young’s modulus sensitivity for cellular mechanical phenotyping by microfluidic approaches,Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2022, 11: 2200628.Link
  • Lu X.G. and Ai Y., An automatic microfluidic cell wash platform for purifying cells in suspension: Puriogen,Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(26): 9424–9433. Link (Featured on thecover page)
  • Zhong J.W., Tang Q., Liang M.H., and Ai Y., Accurate profiling of blood components in microliter with position-insensitive coplanar electrodes-based cytometry,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2022, 367:  132068. Link
  • Zhong J.W., Li P.X., Liang M.H., and Ai Y., Label-free cell viability assay and enrichment of cryopreserved cells using microfluidic cytometry and on-demand sorting,Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022, 7: 2100906. Link
  • Tayebi M., Yang D.H., Collins D.J., and Ai Y., Deterministic sorting of submicron particles and extracellular vesicles using a combined electric and acoustic field,Nano Letters, 2021, 21(16): 6835–6842. Link
  • Zhong J.W., Liang M.H., and Ai Y., Submicron-precision particle characterization in microfluidic impedance cytometry with double differential electrodes, Lab on a Chip, 2021, 21: 2869-2880 (Featured on the cover page)Link
  • Li P.X., Zhong J.W., Liu N., Lu X.G., Liang M.H., and Ai Y., Physical properties-based microparticle sorting at submicron resolution using a tunable acoustofluidic device,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 344: 130203. Link
  • Lu X.G., Chow J.M., Koo S.H., Jiang B.R., Tan T.Y., Yang D.H., and Ai Y., Sheathless and high-throughput elasto-inertial bacterial sorting for enhancing molecular diagnosis of bloodstream infection,Lab on a Chip, 2021, 21: 2163-2177 (Featured on the cover page). Link
  • Lu X.G, Tayebi M., and Ai Y., A low-cost and high-throughput benchtop cell sorter for isolating white blood cells from whole blood,Electrophoresis, 2021, accepted. Link
  • Liang M.H., Yang D.H., Zhou Y.N., Li P.X., Zhong J.W., and Ai Y., Single cell stretching in viscoelastic fluids with electronically triggered imaging for cellular mechanical phenotyping, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93(10): 4567–4575. Link
  • Li P.X. and Ai Y., Label-free multivariate biophysical phenotyping-activated acoustic sorting at the single-cell level,Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93(8): 4108–4117. Link
  • Zhong J.W., Yang D.H., Zhou Y.N., Liang M.H., and Ai Y., Multi-frequency single cell electrical impedance measurement for label-free cell viability analysis,Analyst, 2021, 146(6): 1781-2084 (Featured on the cover page)Link
  • Lu X.G., Chow J.M., Koo S.H., Tan T.Y., Jiang B.R., and Ai Y., Enhanced molecular diagnosis of bloodstream Candida infection with size-based inertial sorting at submicron resolution,Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92: 15579–15586. Link
  • Zhou Y.N., Ma Z.C., and Ai Y., Submicron particle concentration and patterning with ultra-low frequency acoustic vibration,Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92: 12795-12800. (Featured on thecover pageLink
  • Ma Z.C., Zhou Y.N., Cai F.Y., Meng L., Zheng H.R., and Ai Y., Ultrasonic microstreaming for complex-trajectory transport and rotation of single particles and cells,Lab on a Chip, 2020, 20(16): 2947-2953. Link
  • Xu C.P., Ai Y., Zheng T.F., and Wang C.H., Acoustic manipulation of breathing MOFs particles for self-folding polymer film preparation,Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 2020, 315: 112288. Link
  • Tayebi M., Zhou Y.N., Tripathi P., Chandramohanadas R., and Ai Y., Exosome purification and analysis using a facile microfluidic hydrodynamic trapping device,Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(15): 10733-10742. Link
  • Devendran C., Choi K.Y., Han J., Ai Y., Neild A., Collins D., Diffraction-based acoustic manipulation in microchannels enables continuous particle and bacteria focusing,Lab on a Chip, 2020, 20(15): 2674-2688. Link
  • Zhou Y.N., Wang H., Ma Z.C., Yang J.K.W. and Ai Y., Acoustic vibration-induced actuation of multiple micro-rotors in microfluidics,Advanced Materials Technologies, 2020, 2000323. Link
  • Raymond S., Collins D.J., O’Rorke R., Taybi M., Ai Y., and Williams J., A deep learning approach for designed diffraction-based acoustic patterning in microchannels,Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 8745. Link
  • O’Rorke R., Winkler A., Collins D.J., and Ai Y., Slowness curve surface acoustic wave transducers for optimized acoustic streaming,RSC Advances2020, 10: 11582 – 1158. Link
  • Taybi M., O’Rorke R., Wong H.C., Low H.Y., Han J., Collins D.J., and Ai Y., Massively multiplexed sub-micron particle patterning in acoustically driven oscillating nanocavities,Small, 2020: 2000462. (Featured on thecover page and;EurekAlert Science News;Nano WerkSUTD NewsLink
  • Zhou Y.N., Ma Z.C., and Ai Y., Dynamically tunable elasto-inertial particle focusing and sorting in microfluidics,Lab on a Chip, 2020, 20: 568-581. Link
  • Li P.X., Liang M.H., Lu X.G., Chow J.M., Ramachandra C.J.A., and Ai Y., Sheathless acoustic fluorescence activated cell sorting (aFACS) with high cell viability,Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91(24): 15425-15435. (Featured;EurekAlert Science News;Bioengineer;SUTD News). Link
  • Collins D.J., O’Rorke R., Neild A., Han J., and Ai Y., Acoustic fields and microfluidic patterning around embedded micro-structures subject to surface acoustic waves,Soft Matter,2019, 15(43): 8691-8705. (Featured on the cover page) Link
  • Zhou Y.N., Ma Z.C., and Ai Y., Hybrid microfluidic sorting of rare cells based on high throughput inertial focusing and high accuracy acoustic manipulation,RSC Advances, 2019, 9: 31186-31195. Link
  • Yang D.H. and Ai Y., Microfluidic impedance cytometry with N-shaped electrodes for lateral position measurement of single cells/particles,Lab on a Chip, 2019, 19: 3609-3617. (This article is part of the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Emerging Investigators,Lab Chip Blog, also featured on the cover page and;EurekAlert Science News;SciTechDaily;Bioengineer;SUTD NewsLink
  • Taybi M., Tavakkoli Yaraki M., Yang H.Y., and Ai Y., A MoS2-MWCNT based fluorometric nanosensor for exosome detection and quantification,Nanoscale Advances, 2019, 1: 2866-2872. (Featured on the cover page) Link
  • Li P.X., Ma Z.C., Zhou Y.N., Collins D.J., Wang Z.F., and Ai Y., Detachable acoustophoretic system for fluorescence activated sorting at the single-droplet level, Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91(15): 9970-9977. (Featured on the cover page andSUTD NewsLink
  • Zhou Y.N., Ma Z.C., Tayebi M., and Ai Y., Submicron particle focusing and exosome sorting by wavy microchannel structures within viscoelastic fluids,Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91(7): 4577-4584. Link
  • Yang D.H., Zhou Y., Zhou Y.N., Han J., and Ai Y., Biophysical phenotyping of single cells using a differential multiconstriction microfluidic device with self-aligned 3D electrodes,Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019, 133: 16-23. Link
  • O’Rorke R., Collins D.J., and Ai Y., A rapid and meshless analytical model of acoustofluidic pressure fields for waveguide design,Biomicrofluidics, 2018, 12: 024104. Link
  • Zhou Y.N., Ma Z.C., and Ai Y., Sheathless inertial cell focusing and sorting with serial reverse wavy channel structures,Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2018, 4: 5. Link (Featured in Science DailyEurekAlert Science
  • Collins D.J., O’Rorke R., Devendran C., Ma Z.C., Neild A., Han J., and Ai Y., Self-aligned acoustofluidic particle focusing and patterning in microfluidic channels from channel based acoustic waveguides,Physical Review Letters, 2018, 120(7): 074502.Link (Highlighted by the editors as anEditors’ Suggestionand Featured inPhysics)
  • Zhou Y., Yang D.H., Zhou Y.N., Khoo B.L., Han J., and Ai Y., Characterizing deformability and electrical impedance of cancer cells in a microfluidic device,Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90: 912-919. Link
  • Ma Z.C., Zhou Y.N., Collins D.J., and Ai Y., Fluorescence activated cell sorting via a focused traveling surface acoustic beam,Lab on a Chip, 2017, 17: 3176-3185. Link (Featured inScience Daily;EurekAlert Science NewsPhys.orgMedgadgetAsian Scientist Magazine)
  • Yang D.H., Subramanian G., Duan J.M., Gao S.B., Bai L., Chandramohanadas R., and Ai Y., A portable image-based cytometer for rapid malaria detection and quantification,PLOS One, 2017, 12(6): e0179161. Link (Featured inThe Straits Times)
  • Kishor R., Ma Z.C., Sreejith S., Seah Y.P., Wang H.Y., Ai Y., Wang Z.F., Lim T.T., and Zheng Y.J., Real time size-dependent particle segregation and detection in a surface acoustic wave-photoacoustic integrated microfluidic system,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 252: 568-576. Link
  • Collins D.J., Khoo B.L., Ma Z.C., Winkler A., Weser R., Schmidt H., Han J.Y., and Ai Y., Selective particle and cell capture in a continuous flow using micro-vortex acoustic streaming,Lab on a Chip, 2017, 17: 1769-1777. Link
  • Devendran C., Collins D.J., Ai Y., and Neild A., Huygens-Fresnel acoustic self-interaction and the development of robust time-averaged patterns from travelling surface acoustic waves,Physical Review Letters, 2017, 118: 154501. Link
  • Chen F.M., Ai Y., and Yang H.Y., Boron detection and quantification based on the absorption spectra of pyridoxine and its boron complex,Environmental Chemistry, 2017, 14: 135-140. Link
  • Xi H.D., Zheng H., Guo W., Ganan-Calvo A.M., Ai Y., Tsao C.W., Zhou J., Li W.H., Huang Y.Y., Nguyen N.T., and Tan S.H., Active droplet sorting in microfluidics: a review,Lab on a Chip, 2017, 17: 751-771. Link
  • Ma Z.C., Collins D.J., and Ai Y., Single-actuator bandpass microparticle filtration via traveling surface acoustic waves,Colloids and Interface Science Communications, 2017, 16: 6-9. Link
  • Collins D.J., Ma Z.C., Han J.Y., and Ai Y., Continuous micro-vortex-based nanoparticle manipulation via focused surface acoustic waves,Lab on a Chip, 2017, 17: 91–103. (Featured as the front cover article) Link
  • Ma Z.C., Collins D.J., Guo J.H., and Ai Y., Mechanical properties based particle separation via traveling surface acoustic wave,Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88 (23): 11844–11851. Link
  • Ma Z.C., Teo A.J.T., Tan S.H., Ai Y., and Nguyen N.T., Self-aligned interdigitated transducers for acoustofluidics,Micromachines, 2016, 7: 216. (Featured as the front cover article) Link
  • Yang D.H., Taybi M., Huang Y.X., Yang H.Y., and Ai Y., A microfluidic DNA sensor based on three dimensional (3D) hierarchical MoS2/carbon nanotube nanocomposites,Sensors, 2016, 16: 1911. Link
  • Ng J.A., Collins D.J., Devendran C., Ai Y. and Neild A., Flow-rate insensitive deterministic particle sorting using a combination of travelling and standing surface acoustic waves,Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2016, 20: 151. Link
  • Collins D.J., Devendran C., Ma Z.C., Ng J.A., Neild A., and Ai Y., Acoustic tweezers via sub time-of-flight regime surface acoustic waves,Science Advances, 2016, 2: e1600089. Link
  • Fakhfouri A., Devendran C., Collins D.J., Ai Y. and Neild A., Virtual membrane for filtration of particles using surface acoustic waves (SAW),Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16: 3515-3523. Link
  • Collins D.J., Ma Z.C., and Ai Y., Highly localized acoustic streaming and size-selective sub-micron particle concentration using high frequency microscale focused acoustic fields, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88: 5513–5522. Link
  • Ma Z.C., Collins D.J., and Ai Y., A detachable acoustofluidic system for particle separation via a travelling surface acoustic wave, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88: 5316–5323. Link
  • Collins D.J., Neild A., and Ai Y., Highly focused high-frequency travelling surface acoustic waves (SAW) for rapid single-particle sorting, Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16: 471-479. (Featured as the front cover article) Link
  • Huang Y.X., Guo J.H., Kang Y.J., Ai Y., and Li C.M., Preparation of two dimensional atomically thin MoS2 nanosheets and their sensing applications, Nanoscale, 2015, 7: 19358-19376. Link
  • Collins D.J., Neild A., deMello A., Liu A.Q., and Ai Y., The Poisson distribution and beyond: methods for microfluidic droplet production and single cell encapsulation, Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15: 3439-3459. Link
  • Guo J.H., Kang Y.J.,and Ai Y., Radiation dominated acoustophoresis driven by surface acoustic waves, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 455(1): 203-211. Link
  • Ma Z.C., Guo J.H., Liu Y.J., and Ai Y., The patterning mechanism of carbon nanotubes using surface acoustic waves: the acoustic radiation effect or the dielectrophoretic effect,Nanoscale, 2015, 7: 14047-14054. Link
  • Guo J.H., Huang X.W., and Ai Y., On-demand lensless single cell imaging activated by differential resistive pulse sensing,Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87: 6516-6519. Link
  • Huang Y.X., Yang H.Y., and Ai Y., DNA single-base mismatch study using graphene oxide nanosheets based fluorometric biosensor,Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (18): 9132–9136. Link
  • Guo J.H., Liu X.H., Kang K., Ai Y., Wang Z.M., and Kang Y.J., A compact optofluidic cytometer for detection and enumeration of tumor cells,Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2015, 33(16): 3433-3438. Link
  • Huang Y.X., Shi Y.M., Yang H.Y., and Ai Y., A novel single-layered MoS2 nanosheets based microfluidic biosensor for ultrasensitive detection of DNA,Nanoscale, 2015, 7: 2245-2249. Link
  • Guo J.H., Chen L., Ai Y., Chen Y.B., Li C.M., Kang Y.J., and Wang Z.M., Numerical and experimental characterization of solid-state micropore-based cytometer for detection and enumeration of biological cells,Electrophoresis, 2015, 36(5): 737-743. Link
  • Puttaswamy S.V., Xue P., Kang Y.J., and Ai Y., Simple and low cost integration of highly conductive three-dimensional electrodes in microfluidic devices,Biomedical Microdevices, 2015, 17: 4. Link
  • Ai Y., Zeng Z.P., and Qian S., Direct numerical simulation of AC dielectrophoretic particle-particle interactive motions,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2014, 417: 72−79. (Featured as the front cover article) Link
  • Ai Y., Sanders C.K., and Marrone B.L., Separation of E. coli bacteria from peripheral blood mononuclear cells using standing surface acoustic waves,Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85(19): 9126−9134. Link