Yohei Kato is a community designer, trained in the field of community development, development studies, and information design. He is particularly interested in the dynamic process and methods of engaging with community to address various social issues. He has previously designed a youth development program in Bangladesh, led participatory design workshops in Japan, and conducted participatory action research with children and young people in the U.S. and India. Yohei received his B.A. in International Development from University of Tsukuba, Japan and his M.S. in Community Development from University of California, Davis. He is currently in the Ph.D. program in Architecture and Sustainable Design at Singapore University of Technology and Design.
Research Statement
Over the last few decades, Participatory Design (PD) has broadened its scope to engage with diverse people in designing tools, environment, businesses, and social institutions that aim to improve the lives of people. Due to widespread applications of PD and lack of clear definition of participation, the PD discipline lacks a systematic and robust methodology for evaluation of PD projects. Responding to this challenge, his research examines theories and praxis of assessing PD projects by reviewing empirical studies from the field of international development, public health, and PD. His research aims to introduce a mixed-methods approach to the evaluation of complex PD projects to capture its dynamic processes and often qualitative and intangible results.
Selected Publications
- Kato, Y. & Amina, C. (2020, June). How to integrate Photovoice and multiple participatory methods: Lessons learned from collaborating with tribal youth in India to explore their surrounding environment. Routledge Handbook of Designing Public Spaces for Young People Processes, Practices and Policies for Youth Inclusion
- Chong, KH., Gao, T., Kato, Y. (2019, June). Heartland Kaki: Creative Appropriation and Community Design In Public Housing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of IFoU (International Forum on Urbanism) Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Perrault, S. T., Verba, S., Ahmed, S., Dudani, P., & Kato, Y. (2015, July). Thinking tools for moving across boundaries. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference on the Design of Communication (p. 29). ACM
- University of Tsukuba, Award for Excellence 2013, Highly Commended Paper
- University of California, Davis, Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award 2014–2015
- University of California, Davis, Humanities Graduate Research Award 2014–2015
- International Institute of Information Design Award 2014, Research Category, Silver Award
- Singapore University of Technology and Design, President’s Graduate Fellowship 2019–current