Post Doc Research Fellow


Dr. Zhang Xiao is currently a postdoctoral research fellow in Singapore University of Technology and Design. He received his PhD degree from Department of Computer Science in City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2016. He was a visiting scholar with the Department of Computer Science in Utah State University, USA, in 2015.

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, 2016
  • B.Eng. and M. Eng. in Computer Science, South-Central University for Nationalities, 2009, 2012
Research Interests

Algorithms Design and Analysis, Wireless Networks, Computational Intelligence

  • Xiao Zhang, Yu Zhou, Qingfu Zhang, Victor C. S. Lee, and Minming Li. Problem Specific MOEA/D for Barrier Coverage with Wireless Sensors. to appear in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB)
  • Victor C. S. Lee, Haitao Wang and Xiao Zhang. Minimizing the Maximum Moving Cost of Interval Coverage. to appear in Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications (IJCGA)