SUTD Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programme

Provides graduate students with industry-relevant training, which is important to translate research & development (R&D) into tangible products, systems and services.

Industry-relevant training to enable the translation of research & development (R&D) efforts into tangible products, systems and services

Requirements to graduate

The Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) PhD in SUTD offers exciting opportunities for students who wish to pursue an interdisciplinary post-graduate program focusing on understanding social, behavioural, and technological transformations through empowering lenses of humanities and social sciences.


HASS faculty represent a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social science, including psychology, communication, history, comparative/English literature, digital humanities, anthropology, sociology, etc.

Graduate Coursework

Coursework must be completed within the first two years of candidacy. HASS PhD students are required to take 2 core courses and 3 electives as follows:


2 Core courses (applied for new and existing PhD students who have not yet completed previous mandatory courses since January 2024)

  • 01.505 Innovation by Design
  • One of the following three courses
    1. 02.564 Interventions in Design, Technology, and Society (DTS Core)
    2. 02.519 Introduction to Digital Humanities: Principles and Methods (DH Core)
    3. 02.501 Theory and Dynamics of Urban Social Processes (USPP Core)

*PhD students who have already taken these (or similar) courses would need to take a substitute course to fulfil these requirements (a suitable course to be selected in consultation with advisor)


3 Graduate electives


Choice of PhD elective from other pillars/ HASS MUSPP elective/Independent Study Module

* No credit transfer allowed; “Independent Study Module” (for letter grade) is counted as one of the three electives, while “PhD Research Pre-candidacy Module” (for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade only) is not.


Seminars (*applied for new PhD students since September 2021 Intake)


Attend 2 series of seminars organized by HASS (or any equivalent series of seminars organized by other pillars, clusters, and centers in SUTD per supervisor’s acknowledgement). The course code is given respectively (by pillar/cluster) and the submission of a list of seminars is required for the completion of this seminar course for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade only.


Qualifying exam (QE)

The student must take and pass the qualifying exam by the end of the second year in order to continue with the candidacy. The QE shall comprise:

  1. an oral defense that will comprise a 20 minute presentation, followed by a 30 minute question and answer session with the primary and secondary thesis supervisors, and one additional faculty member from within SUTD deemed to have the domain/cognate expertise;
  2. A dissertation proposal comprising a literature review, research questions and a description of the proposed research method, of no longer than 10,000 words;
  3. and two written exams of up to 2 hours duration each:
    • One written examination on the academic literature relating to the student’s dissertation;
    • One written examination on research methods relating to the student’s dissertation.
Guidelines for thesis evaluation

Oral examination


The Thesis Examination Committee (TEC) shall be constituted at the QE and shall comprise four individuals:

  1. Chair (of equal or higher rank than advisor, of a different pillar or cluster)
  2. Supervisor (the primary thesis supervisor from HASS)
  3. Advisor (the secondary thesis supervisor, of a different pillar or cluster)
  4. External member (this member will either be an SUTD faculty member or a faculty member in an external institution in or outside of Singapore. Preference is for at least one member from an external institution.)

Thesis format


The thesis format shall adhere to the “Guidelines for Thesis Evaluation, Oral Examination and Thesis Format for PhD, Engineering Doctorate and Master of Engineering (Research)” with one suggested addition specific to HASS, underlined as follows:

Word Count

  • No more than 50,000 words for the PhD thesis and 80,000 words for HASS theses and the Architecture and Sustainable Design’s “History, Theory and Criticism” (HTC) thesis excluding abstract, acknowledgments, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables as well as appendices, notes and bibliographic references.

Find out more

Frequently asked questions

I forgot my SAP Ariba account password. Should I register for a new account?

It is not recommended to register a new account. Find out how to reset your password.

What is the difference between Enterprise and Standard accounts?

Please refer to Ariba support for more details.

Where can I register for an SAP Ariba account?

You can register for a new account or log in to your existing account at

What should I do when I receive an invitation to register for SAP Ariba account?

You will receive an email invitation from Ariba administrator.

How do I register for SAP Ariba if I’m a new user?

Please refer to the step-by-step instructions on how to register.

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