Sustainable Design Option Studio 2 Trip – Urban Hinterland

03 Jun 2017

‘Urban Hinterlands’ is a sustainable option studio that investigates and designs new sustainable architectural typologies and urban forms that respond to the rural-urban systems within the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City in Guangzhou. Supporting the studio, a study trip to Guangzhou and Hong Kong was held during week 4 (5 – 9 June 2017). The study trip comprised project site analysis, case study on urban villages in Guangzhou and a joint workshop with Hong Kong University and South China University of Technology on peri-urban development in the Pearl River Delta region. In addition to project specific workshop and site analysis, students also visited architectural offices based in Hong Kong and Guangzhou. This trip was led by Adjunct Assistant Professor Calvin Chua.



  • 3 June: Depart for Hong Kong

  • 4 June: Site Visit

  • 5 June: Workshop with HKU and Architectural Office Visit

  • 6 June: Depart for Guangzhou

  • 7 June: Site Visit and Analysis

  • 8 June: Workshop with local planning office

  • 9 June: Site Visit and Analysis

  • 10 June: Site Visit and Analysis

  • 11 June: Depart for Singapore