Programme outline
Learning Objectives and Structure
By the end of this module, participants will be able to
- Appreciate the use of basic model by junior data scientist in a general setting
- Adopt a statistical approach to solving ambiguous issues
- Apply computational thinking to solve business problem
- Leverage on Basic Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Model appropriately for Business use case
- Conduct statistical test on Business use case
- Experiment with various machine learning model specific to business context
- Evaluate various parameters based on the consequence of the predicted model
- Decipher and deconstruct convoluted patterns into meaningful insights
Programme Structure: Participants will go through 4 days of training. Class will reconvene on the 5th day for a presentation as part of the course assessment.
Day 1
- Basics of Statistics
- Application of Statistics in Real World
- Introduction to Quantitative Intuition for Statistics
- Steps in Hypothesis Testing
- Z Test
- T Test
Day 2
- Overview of Data Science
- Data Science Pipeline
- What is Machine Learning Model?
- Understand what is required prior to using machine learning model
- Understand how data scientist trains machine learning model
- Data Preparation and Data Validation
- Train-Test Split and Cross Validation
- An introduction to Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Day 3
- Data Preparation for Linear Regression
- Simple Linear Regression
- Multiple Linear Regression
- Evaluating Linear Regression Models Performance
- An extension of regression on Correlation, Covariance and Multi-collinearity Issues
- Remedies for Multi-Collinearity
- Data Preparation for Logistic Regression
- Logistic Regression Model
- Evaluating Logistic Regression Models Performance
Day 4
- Data Preparation for Clustering
- K-Means Clustering
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Basics of Principal Component Analysis
- Interpreting Principal Component Analysis Results
Day 5
- Project Presentation
Participants will be assessed via group based project presentation on the 5th session of the course. There will also be formative assessment and case studies to assess a participant’s understanding and competency.
Subject Credits
Upon completion and satisfying the requirements of passing this course, learners will be awarded 12 subject credits.