Design Innovation Immersion
Programme outline
Learning objectives
By the end of this course, participants should be able to / can expect to:
- Appreciate the use and benefit of the 4D Design Innovation framework to increase the likelihood of a successful and disruptive innovation outcome, and grasp the definition of innovation
- Learn to work as a design team of 4-8 people effectively with the use of digital and physical tools
- Embrace the mindsets of Design: Empathy, Mindfulness, Joyfulness and Non-attachment
- Gain confidence in executing design methods to make effective design decisions and to design better for their stakeholders.
- Deepdive into an identified problem/opportunity over the course of 4-days and deliver a coherent and persuasive solution pitch with the aid of prototypes
Day 1
- Introduction to DI (Icebreaker + Case Study)
- Opportunity Statement
- Discover Mindset + Stakeholder Mapping, Persona and Scenarios
- Contextual Needs Analysis
- Affinity Analysis
- Activity Diagram + User Journey Map
- Reflection
Day 2
- Feedback + Case Study
- Define Mindset + Systems Function
- Participatory Valuation Game
- Benchmarking
- House of Quality
- Hierarchy of Purpose
- Reflection
Day 3
- Feedback + Case Study
- Develop Mindset + Brainstorming + Mindmapping
- Design by Analogy
- C-sketch (6-3-5)
- Real-Win-Worth
- UX Blueprinting
- Reflection
Day 4
- Feedback + Case Study
- Deliver Mindset + Business Model Canvas
- Prototyping Canvas
- Prototyping Strategies
- DI Pitching
- DI Pitch Presentation
- Reflection
- Final team project presentation