
Get to know the distinguished individuals who shape our university's vision and drive its success as a leading design and technology education institution.

The External Advisory Board was formed to serve as an independent body to assist the University and the HoP in accomplishing the mission and objectives of the education programme. The Board will focus on addressing major issues that impact achieving the mission and educational objectives of the programme, including continuous improvement in curriculum design and development, delivery, student learning experience, and research activities.


The functions of the External Advisory Board are to:

  1. help in building a strong link between the University and its constituents, and to ensure relevance and currency of the education programmes to the industry,
  2. advise the HoP in strategic planning,
  3. assist in the continuous evaluation of programme educational objectives, and proactively recommend improvements,
  4. evaluate and benchmark the students’ performance in terms of the level of learning outcome achievement, and assist in reviewing the curriculum and academic processes,
  5. advise on the latest trends in technical as well as societal aspects of the profession, and
  6. interact with the faculty and students to enhance the teaching and learning environment

The advisory board typically consists of four academicians from world renowned universities and four top executives from well-known multinational companies. They will meet at least once a year.


CHAN Cheryl




JOHN Churchill


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