Covid spells opportunity for sharing economy 31 Oct 2020 One month into the circuit breaker period, I had to admit that my weighing scale was telling me the stark truth. Hours of munching by ... Commentary: Conserving Golden Mile Complex is a paradigm shift for Singapore architecture 29 Oct 2020 Instead of tearing down an ageing building, giving developers incentives to develop an old icon is progress, says Associate Professor Yeo Kang Shua. Knotting semimetals in topological electrical circuits 28 Oct 2020 Invented more than 15,000 years ago, knots represent one of the earliest technological breakthroughs at the dawn of human history that kick... Researchers develop low-cost, customizable, self-locking upper limb prosthesis 27 Oct 2020 Upper limb forequarter amputations which involve the removal of the entire arm and scapula require highly customized prosthetic devices ... Precaution: Lessons from COVID-19 27 Oct 2020 Which is more important in the initial phase of a pandemic: taking precautionary actions or responding to its severity? That is the ... A Sustainable Alternative to Blanket Lockdowns 22 Oct 2020 Instead of shutting down whole cities, we can use big data to take a more targeted approach. Blanket lockdowns may be effective, but they are blunt and brutal tools. 3D-printed food can support healthcare, sustainability efforts: Panel 22 Oct 2020 Khoo Teck Puat Hospital is working with SUTD and NTU on several 3D food-printing research projects. Prof Chua Chee Kai (Head of Pillar, Engineering Product Development) is leading a digital food project, Relieving the cost of COVID-19 by Parrondo's paradox 22 Oct 2020 The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread rapidly across the globe at an alarming pace, causing considerable anxiety ... Commentary: Laptops for every student – a lot could go wrong 21 Oct 2020 Issues with distraction and unsafe content are real and safeguards must be in place before every student is given a digital device, says ... 1 2 next